Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Building culture is a series in the Arts & Entertainment section dedicated to examining different buildings around the area and their important history and roles in our community. There aren’t that many bookstores in Riverside. This is a shame, since books are the essential building blocks of education. Teach a person how to read and write, and they can practically...
Famed Swedish auteur Ingmar Bergman famously stated, “Film has dream, film has music. No form of art goes beyond ordinary consciousness as film does, straight to our emotions, deep into the twilight room of the soul.” Maybe that gets a bit melodramatic, but one would be hard-pressed to argue that film, as a medium, does not play a central...
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” — Proverb Or, as Stephanie Sanchez and Kimberly “Kim” Sanchez put it, one man’s trash allows for their father, Martin Sanchez, to be a highly “organized hoarder.” Kidding aside, anyone passing by the restaurant nestled in downtown Riverside, Tio’s Tacos, can tell the father is no mere hoarder, but an artist who takes...
Bux — a curious name for a bookstore. Its pronunciation is a cross between “books” and “bucks,” and with the store material’s cheap prices, its tongue-in-cheek nature seems entirely intentional. You’ll see the store if you go to the Culver Center. It sits on the right side of the first floor, so it’s visible if you approach it from Riverside’s...
“Day upon day, and year upon year, O city, walking your streets, / where you hold me enchain’d a certain time, refusing to give me up; / yet giving to make me glutted, enrich’d of soul …” - Walt Whitman, “Give me the Splendid, Silent Sun.” Staring over the crowd of cars, neighborhood poet and avid sidewalk sitter Adriana Moore...
Right off Canyon Crest, tucked away in a corner of a small shopping center, across from a bubbling water fountain and a series of lattice gazebos with greenery sprouting all over them sits Cellar Door Books. The placement is almost a little too picturesque — the greenery commingling with the gurgling of the waterfall across from it is almost...
Artist: Solmaz Sharif Iranian-American poet Solmaz Sharif’s debut volume of poems, “LOOK” is among the prestigious finalists for the American Book Award. These poems are moving forays into the nature of words, war and the human element caught in between. Sharif explores how words shape how war buries guilt through language, and codes atrocities through layers of jargon and terms....