Friday, July 26, 2024
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Tag: CDC

The CDC’s decision to shorten isolation periods is for profit, not...

After almost two gruelling years, the announcement of a shortened isolation period for COVID infections should have been something met with great relief. This...

The CDC’s lift of mask restrictions does not take into account...

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer had to wear masks or physically distance...

So your governor just broke his own COVID safety guidelines —...

California Governor Gavin Newsom got himself into hot water when he was spotted at a maskless party in Napa Valley on Nov. 18, despite...

The Office of Planning, Design and Construction provide update on various...

Martin Lopez / HIGHLANDER UCR’s Office of Planning, Design and Construction provided an update on all campus...

UC Riverside responds to coronavirus in new ways; university researchers identify...

The spread of coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is growing in the U.S. with the death toll rising to 19 as of...

Imperfect flu shot, perfect reasons to still get it

  The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) recently published some startling statistics: more than 80,000 people in America died of the flu in the...

Opioids, you’re fired! Supporting Trump’s declaration of the opioid crisis as...

America has declared public health emergencies plenty of times in the past, including the 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak, the 2009 North Dakota storms and...

Study finds racial discrimination leads to decrease in children’s health

UCR’s Center for Healthy Communities found that children previously exposed to racial discrimination, regardless of socioeconomic status and ethnicity, had experienced a significant decrease...

CDC infested with flesh-eating piranhas

The Child Development Center (CDC) Building A was shut down last week due to a piranha infestation. University experts will work on clearing the...

Child Development Center building reopens

The Child Development Center (CDC) reopened Building A on Feb. 2, four months after its closure last October due to a mold infestation. Children...