Tag: marriage
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editors,
In the November 2nd issue of The Highlander, Fatema Shalabi wrote an opinion piece arguing that the proclivity of younger people to reject...
Marriage is declining in America, and with it goes our social...
The three main monotheistic religions in the world, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, place a great emphasis on the importance of marriage. Because of this...
Same-sex wedding cake ruling permits baker to selectively discriminate
A California judge’s ruling on Feb. 7 stated Bakersfield bakery owner Cathy Miller was allowed to deny her services to a same-sex couple on...
UCR reacts to Supreme Court rulings on DOMA, Proposition 8
On the morning of June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States voted on two key decisions that will pave the way...
Marriage is not a secular institution
Recently, President Obama announced a shift in his position regarding same-sex marriage. He said, “It is important for me to go ahead and affirm...