Tag: musicals
‘EPIC: The Ithaca Saga’ is an emotional ending to a unique...
**Spoiler Alert**
“EPIC: The Musical” is a series of albums by Jorge Rivera-Herrans that retell Homer’s Odyssey in song form — specifically inspired by the...
Jorge Rivera-Herrans “EPIC: The Vengeance Saga” is a thrilling climax in...
*Spoiler Alert*
Jorge Rivera-Herrans has been working on a series of albums since he was a college student in 2019, and starting 2022 he’s been...
“Princess Ten Ten and the Dark Skies” is fun for all...
After two weeks of rehearsals, the Guardian Ambassadors and Model Minority Theatre Collective, in partnership with the UCR Department of Media and Cultural Studies...
“La La Land” is a beautiful meditation on classic Hollywood
Hollywood musicals fell out of favor a long time ago — gone are the days of Fred Astaire, or Ginger Roots. From the ‘80s...