Saturday, May 4, 2024
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Tag: Radar Replay

‘Mindhunter’: An enthralling true crime classic

True crime is one of those genres that has evolved significantly since it gained popularity in the 1990s. A superficial fascination with violent crime...

Radar Replay: ‘Salt’ aligns with the James Bond series in this...

 Several films make being a government spy or a witty CIA agent seem like an exciting job that includes performing cool stunts, keeping top...

Radar Replay: ‘Luigi’s Mansion,’ the spookiest underrated classic!

With Halloween and “Luigi’s Mansion 3” quickly approaching, it’s important to understand where Luigi started his frightening series. Releasing alongside the Gamecube, “Luigi’s Mansion”...

Radar Replay: Decades after its release, ‘Ghostbusters’ remains a Halloween classic

With Halloween coming this week, it's important to look back and relive the thrills and chills of ghostly movies that make the season so...