Friday, July 26, 2024
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Tag: Stephanie Rose

Spillover of ASUCR elections controversies

In a lecture hall packed with over 100 students, candidates from PAC: Pride, Action, Change and CR expressed discontent with the judicial decision that...

[OUR]Voice candidates banned; Elections results postponed

The ASUCR Elections Committee has disqualified the Voice party after receiving multiple violations. Following a Monday meeting between ASUCR representatives and campus administration, elections...

Elections controversies flare up in ASUCR

Tensions have spiked in ASUCR after two senate meetings, during which the removal of a laptopping bylaw and an attempt to overturn an executive...

ASUCR removes two justices, including chief justice, from office

In a marathon ASUCR meeting primarily discussing potential elections violations and characterized by sharp and personal disagreements, ASUCR removed Acting Chief Justice Melina Reyes...

ASUCR Elections: Application deadline extended

The application deadline to run in the 2015 ASUCR elections has been extended from Feb. 27 to March 13 due to a pending judicial...