Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Tag: survivors

Twitter thread goes viral with students recounting their stories of sexual...

Reportedly inspired by a previous Twitter thread highlighting the locations of sexual predators in another part of California, Erin Spates, a UCR alumnus, decided...

Campus Spotlight: Spotlight on Hope Film Camp shines a light on...

Cassie Nguyen began her masters program at the School of Public Policy at UCR in 2015, and with her she brought her passion for...

Sexual assault survivors take back the night

Sexual assault is one of those things that people don’t talk about in polite conversation. After all, the topic is heavy. It’s something that...

ASUCR Senate: CALPIRG referendum causes debate

At the ASUCR meeting last week, a lengthy debate occurred over the addition of a referendum which sought to increase funding for the California...