It is officially winter quarter, and as the weather gets colder, the overwhelming urge to snuggle up in bed with a warm beverage and an endless supply of feel-good movies begins to grow. Here is some advice to keep you from falling into the winter quarter slum.
Start a Planner
It is much easier to keep up with all your tasks and due dates when everything is in one place. Not only will a planner keep you organized and on top of all your assignments, but it will also provide you with an incentive to get your work done with the satisfaction of crossing it off your to-do list.
Take a Break
After coming back from the relaxation of winter break, it is really easy to get overwhelmed with school work. Instead of spending countless hours stressing about all of your assignments, take an hour to relax or pretend you are still on break. Just remember that everything is better in moderation, and eventually, you do have to get back to work. Your productivity will increase exponentially after giving your brain a moment to recharge.
Write a Bucket List
Since the year just started, try creating a bucket list for 2022, complete with everything you would like to do this year. Give yourself something non-academic related to look forward to and to work toward. Sometimes, stress gets in the way of our ability to enjoy life. Remember that you are still young and should be enjoying your life while working hard in school.
New Year New Music
To ring in the new year, create new playlists with all those unique songs you discovered over break. Start with a study playlist to help you focus on doing well this quarter, maybe a workout playlist to keep up with those new year resolutions and then just a random one that you can listen to every day.
Join a new club/organization
Sometimes, when you’re too focused on school and assignments, hobbies tend to fall on the backburner. This quarter, join a club or campus organization purely for your enjoyment. If you love sports, join a club team; if dance is your passion, try joining one of UCR’s many dance clubs. You can find all clubs and organizations on HighlanderLink.