There are some things that every college student ought to have with them in their bag, ready to go, and there are some things you might not have realized should make it onto your ‘must bring’ list. Over the years, I’ve perfected what I personally need to have in my bag every day for classes. So here’s what is in my backpack:
An obvious starter. Most students will have some kind of laptop or tablet on them for easier access to websites like Blackboard, Canvas and R’web. They’re also great for taking lecture notes and working on homework and projects in between classes. If you’re bringing an electronic with you to campus, always remember to bring the charger too!
Paper notebook
You never know when you’re going to need to physically write something down. Make sure you’ve got something to write with of course, whether you prefer pencil or pen, try to carry a few extra too. Highlighters are always helpful to keep on hand too.
Binder or a folder
For any handouts you receive in your classes, a binder or folder is a great way to keep all of your papers in order. You should always have somewhere safe to put away any papers without the worry of them getting crushed in your bag.
A book to read
I always like to keep a small, lightweight book with me just in case. You never know when your phone or laptop might die and you need to do something to pass the time between classes, or if you just feel like reading. So, whether it’s a well-loved favorite that still delights me, or that book that I’ve been saying I’ll read ‘eventually’ for the last month, I always try to keep something on hand.
Handsanitizer/Sanitizing wipes
I personally usually like to wipe down my desk when I first get into class. Even before the pandemic started, it’s just a generally good and healthy practice to keep your hands and your spaces clean!
A spare mask
It never hurts to have a few backup disposable or reusable masks!
A mini-first aid kit
I can easily and freely admit that I am a bit clumsy. I’ve tripped on my way to my classes dozens of times and have probably gotten hundreds of paper cuts. I like keeping a mini first aid kit in my bag for this very reason. Miniature kits are easy to find and relatively inexpensive. Even just a couple spare bandaids slipped in your bag will do the trick.
A paper or cloth hand-fan
Riverside can get pretty hot. Walking to class everyday in 90 to 100 degree weather can get a bit uncomfortable sometimes. Hand-fans are a great, affordable and quick way to cool down on those high-heat days!
And that’s everything I keep in my bag that I highly recommend considering getting yourself if you don’t keep them on you already!