The difficulty of “Bloodborne” hurts so good

Have you ever wanted to know what was on the other side of a brick wall? Did you want to know so bad that you slammed face-first into that wall until either your face...

“Disorder”: a game about depression knows where its heart is

“Disorder” is a game about depression. As strange as that may seem, and given that games usually aren’t realistic about depicting real-world issues (which is why we’ll never see “God of War: Kratos visits...

“Grim Fandango” is still great, but filled with grim bugs

Double Fine has finally revived one of Tim Schafer’s best-known and least-played adventure games from his days at LucasArts. Those of us who were too young or bound by the limits of our computers...

Bioware tries to return to form with “Dragon Age: Inquisition”

Bioware has been in an awkward position for the past few years. Their last two releases, “Mass Effect 3” and “Dragon Age II,” were met with much more negative reviews than usual, and it...

“Far Cry 4” is fun, but far from new

Ubisoft has released “Far Cry 4” fresh off the heels of its rather controversial “Assassin’s Creed Unity” launch. After the nightmare of an arguably incomplete series entry and all of the ensuing critical and...

“Harvest Moon” has lost its edge

On Nov. 4, Natsume yet again released its redundant farming simulator under a new title, "Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley." Since its first installment on the SNES, the Harvest Moon series has been making...

“CoD: Advanced Warfare” succeeds in shaking up Multiplayer FPS

First-person shooters have had a rough time as of late. “Battlefield 4” did little to promote the series and ran into crippling issues on the current generation of consoles, leading many to declare that...

“Bayonetta 2” manages to live up to the hype, asks you to buy a...

Platinum Games has finally delivered a sequel to 2010’s character-action game “Bayonetta,” allowing the hungry fanbase to gorge on all the gun kata combos they could possibly want. “Bayonetta 2” arrived on Oct. 24...

Beta Scan: Mid-October preview!

It’s been a great month for games, starting off with “Super Smash Bros.” on the 3DS, (with the Wii U version coming up in November), “Driveclub” on the PS4 and “The Evil Within” on...

“The Evil Within” is more of a horror action game than a survival horror...

Japanese video game designer Shinji Mikami is a name that all survival horror fans recognize. He has been called the “master of survival horror” after the success of the “Resident Evil” franchise, which redefined...