Friday, May 17, 2024
If you’re around Riverside and are craving a fast and tasty boba drink, the city surprisingly has a wide variety of boba shops. Whether you desire tea, coffee or slush, all of these boba shops will satisfy your every need. Additionally, going to boba shops are a great way for students to meet new people, hang out with friends...
Returning to in-person classes is certainly a transition for everyone. For our first-years and transfers, this may be your first time on campus! For those who have been on campus before, maybe you forgot how much gas costs when commuting or miss the days you’d roll out of bed and click the Zoom link 30 seconds before class started....
Following the end of quarantine, a majority of students have migrated from online to in-person learning. With 70% of classes being held in person, one begs the question: What are the best places to hang out and study on campus?  There are many beautiful spaces to study all over campus. First-year neuroscience major Natalie Dahl’s favorite place to study on...
Arriving at college, I didn’t realize that I was going to need more than just my laptop, a few pens and a notebook in my backpack. And from my experience, having the bare minimum on hand when walking around campus is a nuisance that can be easily avoided. UCR is very large, and you’re going to be away from...
Throughout the summer, I have researched hundreds of recipes to find the healthiest and smartest snack options. I’m always attending class or working, so it’s hard for me to find the time to have an actual meal. The freshman 15, a phrase that refers to the weight freshmen gain during their first year at college, actually exists, and it's...
Perhaps the most exciting part of being admitted into your college of choice is making the decision to dorm. Dorming is one of the most yearned-for aspects of college by many first-year students because it epitomizes the college experience: it allows for meeting new people, going to social events and having the first moment of your life where you...
Summer is like a desert, wherever you are.  A vast emptiness filled with boundless potential.  All activity comes to a static nothing.  Stillness of the morning  becomes the skirring of the day  becomes the stillness of the night. What was all of it for? At the end we are all lizards sitting on a rock, hoping to be filled with warmth. Do not fear, this is not a...
  My first frame of reference of college journalism was “Gilmore Girls.” I imagined myself zipping around a newsroom the same way Rory did, calling out pitches and writing interesting stories about campus. Less than a month after I arrived at UCR, I put my fantasy in motion by marching into The Highlander newspaper office. Even during my first few...
It has been a little more than a year since the pandemic started, and the world has been deeply affected by this experience. Many of us have experienced unemployment, paying masks and sanitizers in bulk at ridiculously high prices and shortages of everyday materials across the board. In other words, this year has been hard on all of us....
When I first moved into the dorms during my first year, my first goal was to find the campus newspaper. My high school newspaper gave me an outlet to express myself and gave me the love and appreciation for journalism that I sought to continue at Riverside. However, being a first-generation undocumented student, I began to suffer from the...