Gov. Jerry Brown taps legislative affairs secretary as final UC regent

Gov. Jerry Brown appointed legislative affairs secretary Gareth Elliott to the UC Board of Regents on Jan. 2. The Democrat and West Sacramento resident is the final addition to the 26-member governing body, with...

News In Brief

Former UCD Lt. Pike found not guilty Based on the findings of a report compiled by the independent Kroll consulting firm, Lt. John Pike will not be criminally charged for pepper spraying students in the...

UCR entomologists use fruit flies to provide lift in olfactory research

A team of scientists from the University of California, Riverside and Stanford University uncovered how different sensory neurons function in the olfactory system through Drosophila, a genus of small flies. “One of the biggest mysteries...

Transfer experience panel discusses the reality and difficulties that transfer students face

On Tuesday, Jan. 21, ASUCR’s Transfer & Non-Traditional Student Committee hosted a transfer student experience panel in HUB 268 at 11:30 a.m. The panel consisted of four transfer students of different backgrounds who all came...

Arrests made, tax initiative discussed at UC regents meeting

On March 28, the UC Board of Regents gathered at the UCSF Mission Bay for a three-day meeting to discuss the framework of a multi-year funding plan with the state to provide financial stability...

The Lab: research from UCR and the UC system

UC Riverside: Study finds that ethicists have average moral values In a recent study conducted by philosophy professors Eric Schwitzgebel of UC Riverside and Joshua Rust of Stetson University, Florida, ethicists — professors who teach...

Cloud printing and virtual computer labs on the horizon for UCR students

Over this summer, UCR’s Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) plans to implement cloud printing kiosks across campus to allow students to print from their devices from any location using software developed by WEPA. ITS...

Brown’s immigration reform loosens state restrictions for undocumented immigrants

Gov. Jerry Brown last week signed a raft of legislation relating to undocumented immigrants, including measures that would enable undocumented immigrants to obtain licenses to drive and practice law. “While Washington waffles on immigration, California’s...

Chancellor Conoley plans roadmap for her term

Just three weeks into her tenure as UCR’s interim chancellor, Jane Conoley sat down for an interview with the Highlander Jan. 22 and detailed her first impression of UCR, the impact of state funding...

News in brief

Evidence of gravitational waves found On Feb. 11, the first gravitational wave, called GW150914 by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), was detected by scientists. GW150914 was revealed after scientists heard and recorded the...