Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Letter to the Editor from Hung Tran

To begin, the Fix UC proposal isn't trivial in the least. Eventually levying 5 percent of graduates' income for two decades of employment—this idea would fundamentally change what higher education represents to students of...

Let the smoke clear and the cessation begin

UC President Mark G. Yudof has directed all 10 UC Chancellors to form committees for the purpose of making the UCs smoke-free campuses within the next 24 months. His directive is aimed at removing...

Editorial: Aggression of the few overpowers message of the many

Last week, UCR played host to the University of California’s first major student protest since peaceful activists at Davis were pepper sprayed by UC police in November.  Many hoped that the demonstrations, which took...

The NDAA puts US citizens’ freedom at risk

In response to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Congress and then President George W. Bush crafted a bill that any sensible critic would’ve called an abomination. A blatant power grab by the government,...

Crisis in the Strait of Hormuz escalates

Iran has been the proverbial thorn in the side of the US ever since the fall of the shah, but the current cold war between the US and Iran could send a world teetering...

Casualties of the War in Iraq continue to mount

Recently, President Obama declared an end to the Iraq War—a war that claimed the lives of approximately 4,500 Americans and more than 100,000 Iraqis (mostly citizens), costing taxpayers an estimated $800 billion.  But the...

Editorial: Big-name websites threaten blackout to protest SOPA

There is growing concern among many in the online community that the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a US bill that would give the government power to block websites that violate copyright laws, is...

Letter to the Editor: How the Grinch Fought for the First Amendment

In Dr. Suess’ classic story, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” the grouchy green Grinch living on Mount Crumpit gets so weary of Christmas music from the nearby town of Whoville that he goes down...

Editorial: UCR’s protest guidelines unfairly restrict students’ rights

In what can only be characterized as a vast overreaction to the Occupy Davis and Berkeley protests, both of which were marred by police violence, UCR administrators released a list of official “protest guidelines”...

2011: The international cry for change

  2011 unveiled a radical shift in the arena of geopolitics. It all started when a Tunisian vegetable vendor, fed up with living in oppression at the hands of his town’s police department, lit himself...