Friday, July 26, 2024
Inspired by Columbia University’s “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” pro-Palestinian protests have spread nationwide at college campuses, including the University of California (UC) schools, in the past week. Setting up tents and leading protests, students are standing in solidarity with Palestinians, urging for a ceasefire and pushing the university administration to divest from firms doing business with Israel. The UC campuses...
If California were its own country, it would have the fifth largest economy in the world, behind only the United States, China, Germany and Japan. This makes California’s ports, public sector, businesses and consumers the targets of both domestic and foreign cybersecurity threats that look to exploit vulnerabilities in software or steal valuable data. Currently, the seat of California’s...
On the 50th anniversary of Title IX’s inception, the Biden Administration announced new provisions that extended the federal law’s reach to protect LGBTQ+ students. The new provisions are also a win for victim’s rights advocates who are lauding the dismantling of previous Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ additions to Title IX. Unfortunately, the policy fails to address the needs...
On a long journey to address historic injustices against Native Americans, the University of California (UC) system announced free tuition for Native American students. However, that is not enough to reconcile the fact that universities are built on stolen land. UC Riverside (UCR) is built upon the Cahuilla , Tongva , Luiseño and Serrano peoples’ land and...
State lawmakers are attempting to pass an assembly bill that would limit the amount of homework students have. A.B. 2299 increases oversight on homework distributed by holding “ public meetings” within the local education agency. Although the bill sets forward progress in limiting the amount of stress and anguish that students experience from long hours of homework, it isn’t...
The Riverside City Council has experienced several representational changes in the last few elections. Before 2019, the seven-person council was entirely made up of men, only one of whom was not white. After 2021, the council was made up of three Latinos and two members of the LGBTQ+ community. These changes were an important step in increasing representation in...
For the past few weeks, the Arizona Supreme Court has fostered debate on its upholding of a Civil War law enacted in 1864, a near-total ban on abortion. The court has heard three challenges altogether, and the third attempt has overturned it. It is appalling that an arcane Civil War law would be upheld, and this ruling directly threatens...
The recent announcement of the closure of 99 cent stores has caused an uproar as people, particularly those from low-income households, scurry to the stores to stock up on items before closing. Dollar stores have been a lifeline for these families for years, with thousands of customers who rely on their cost-effective prices and affordability. Unfortunately, economic conditions have...
The University of California (UC) announced ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality benchmarks by 2030 with startling positivity and optimism. With air quality in California at a dangerous low and the state struggling to comply with new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) soot standards, efforts by the UC to minimize carbon emissions are essential. However, the promises associated with this...
Eric Guerra is a 4th year History major who has participated in and follows Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) advocacy work. "Todo hombre verdadero debe sentir en su mejilla el golpe dado a cualquier mejilla de otro hombre." - José Martí, Cuban martyr and revolutionary In attending this university, of course my learning has happened through both life experience and...