Saturday, May 18, 2024
As of Jan. 11, the University of California (UC) President Michael V. Drake and the rest of the UC announced that all campuses will reopen by fall 2021. While this came as a pleasant surprise to all students and faculty, there was no clear presentation on how the UC plans to navigate toward such a goal, considering the slow...
For the first time in 10 years, the U.S. Senate has a Democratic majority, and there is a Democrat in the White House. With majority control over the House of Representatives as well, many people think that this is a sign of hope for Democrats, as many states who traditionally vote Republican swung blue in the 2020 election. The...
After The Highlander published an article on Nov. 30 detailing a lawsuit a UCR professor was facing, the editor-in-chief, managing editor and news editor of this student-run newspaper were suddenly met with a barrage of emails from UCR faculty and department leaders. Like any other publication, we are no strangers to criticism, but these emails and letters felt never-ending....
Despite the hopes that 20 million Americans would receive the COVID-19 vaccines before the end of the year, only 4.8 million Americans have obtained it so far. Once again, the United States is allowing party divisions and differences in ideology get in the way of helping the American people transition into a semblance of normalcy. This delay will only...
A new variant of the coronavirus was recently found in South Africa, and it is already being characterized as more of a risk than the variant found previously in England.  The U.S. needs to be the most alarmed when it comes to the new variant as the country has some of the highest numbers of the original coronavirus cases....
It’s time for the U.S. to decriminalize drug possession, and it appears that a majority of the nation agrees with this too. The 2020 election saw many measures and legislation on the ballot, some involving the legalization and decriminalization of various drugs 一 primarily marijuana. Four states, New Jersey, South Dakota, Montana and Arizona, voted to legalize recreational use...
Amazon is a part of at least one aspect of everyone’s daily life. It is so ingrained into our culture that it seems like people cannot live without it. From convenient next-day shipping to trendy snacks from Whole Foods, avoiding this corporate giant feels impossible. However, the public cannot let Amazon get away with their poor treatment of employees...
From COVID-19 to Kim Jong Un, from Black Lives Matter to Biden winning the election, from Australian bushfires to Zoom fatigue, 2020 was a year that affected everyone. It left some happy to stay at home for weeks on end, and it left others traumatized from the loss of family members and the intense fight against systemic racism. Many...
If the last few years have revealed anything, one of the most terrifying discoveries should be that if a particular crisis is not affecting America or another developed country, then a vast majority of the public simply does not care that something is happening. Sadly, this is the fate currently resigned to the flooding going on in Malaysia; a...
With social media becoming increasingly powerful, the selfie is being brought into question. Many believe it to be a negative tool used to put others down. On the other hand, others believe that it is a method used by individuals to project their insecurities onto the rest of the world. Nevertheless, whether this may be true for a small...