So-called “gaydar” algorithm’s warnings about privacy will be buried by sensationalism

Dr. Michal Kosinski and Yilun Wang of Stanford University are under fire for a paper published on Sept. 7 that examines the ability of existing facial analysis software to predict the likelihood that someone...

Tall Tail #9

The New Parent Leave Act takes big step toward improving early child development

California’s new law, the New Parent Leave Act, effectively balances the thin tightrope of work-life legislation. It both promotes employment among parents and sets the foundations for healthy and supportive childhoods for their children....

Mike Pence, the false disciple

A man who claims to be deeply committed to the Christian Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, showed his true colors when he sold himself out in puppetry to President Donald Trump’s crusade against racial...

SB 239 epitomizes privilege in accessing HIV-related healthcare

In what can be euphemistically described as a misguided endeavor, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 239 on Friday, Oct. 6. In California, beginning in January of next year, knowingly exposing someone to HIV...

A response to McDonald’s from a “Rick and Morty” fan

You wouldn’t understand. You see, in my 21 years of life, I’ve acquired a near-bottomless well of knowledge — knowledge about politics, culture, art, philosophy, everything. I am the guy who doctors hate. I...

Tall Tail #8

Tall Tail #7