Tag: undie run
Students let loose at ASUCR’s 2017 Undie Run
Stripping down from our layers and exposing our bodies in their rarest forms is not only refreshing on a hot mid-spring evening in Riverside...
This year in … Features!
The 2015-2016 year in features was loaded with diverse and captivating events as it is every year. However, this time around, new adventures in...
Students stripped down social barriers at the 2016 Undie Run
Many of us are accustomed to closing ourselves off from people who are unlike us. In numerous environments, we tend to naturally distance ourselves...
Running undie the night sky: The UCR Undie Run
The upbeat tunes of a song by Pitbull could be heard from as far as the bookstore as I approached the Bell Tower promptly...
Undie run: a brief tradition in the making
A great university tradition is one of the strongest qualities a school can have. For example, Virginia Tech has the annual Civilians vs. Cadets...