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Tag: year in review

ASUCR 2019-2020 year in review

The 2019-2020 year began with newly-elected President Julian Gonzalez eager to transform ASUCR and strengthen student voices on campus. Ultimately, the year was marked...

2016-17 Year in Review

Compiled by: Evan Ismail, SSW and Andreas Rauch, SSW Several events occurred at a local, national and global stage throughout the 2016-17 school year that...

This year in … Features

This year, we at Features tried to incorporate as many new ideas into the section as possible to appeal to readers of all interests,...

Opinions: The year in review, and the year ahead

2016: The very opinionated year An election year is always a good time to be opinionated, especially one as crazy and unpredictable as 2016, when...

Year-in-Review Radar!

This year over at RADAR we wanted to shift the focus of the section, and take it into a stronger creative direction — instead...

This year in … Features!

  The 2015-2016 year in features was loaded with diverse and captivating events as it is every year. However, this time around, new adventures in...

Opinions: Year in Review

Ah, the ops section. To me, it's simultaneously the easiest and the most difficult section of the newspaper: easy because it takes so much...

News Year in Review

Fear of tuition hikes boil then simmer The year opened up with the possibility of a tuition hike of up to 5 percent each year...

Year in review: news

Increased tensions in student-administrative relations and improvements to the university’s stature have dominated UC Riverside’s headlines this past year. In January, the UC Board of...