The second season of the Spanish-language Netflix soap opera “The House of Flowers,” colloquially known as “La Casa de Las Flores” in Spanish, debuted on Friday, October 18. Since its premiere on Netflix last August, fans have been patiently awaiting part two of the hilarious telenovela. The first season of the show was an international success because of its progressive but still hilarious qualities. On magazine covers, the de la Moras might seem like the perfect family, but the show has done a fantastic job at unraveling the relatable and complicated dynamic of a truly dysfunctional family. Evidently, season two is simply an extension of the hilarious melodrama that season one is all about. Because season one was an international sensation, it’s not surprising that season two is also a hit and the rumors circulating about a potential third season have already begun to spread.
Season two invites us back into the lives of the de la Mora family, whose members include the troublemaking Julian (Dario Yazbek Bernal), the sex-addicted Elena (Aislinn Derbez) and Paulina (Cecilia Suarez), the oldest and possibly most self-destructive of the three siblings.The first season was filled with love triangles, complicated relationships and secrets, so expect more of the same in season two. Each sibling lives in their own world with their own problems but they collectively suffer from the loss of their family flower shop. Not only did they lose their beloved flower shop, the siblings are also mourning the death of a loved one. Although they’re in different places, the gang can easily slip back into their personalities to deal with their father, Ernesto (Arturo Rios), who has been brainwashed by a religious cult that is slowly taking what’s left of the family funds. Through the same style and tone of the first season, the siblings reunite to seek revenge on Diego (Juan Pablo Medina) and buy back the flower shop, hoping it’ll bring their dysfunctional but loving family together.
As noted in season one, “The House of Flowers” is a unique show that moves between cringy musical numbers to raunchy sex scenes, but it also gives us touching moments where you truly empathize with the character’s issues. In season one, Paulina’s character revolves around her Xanax addiction and witty attacks on her siblings. However, season two really displays Paulina’s character development by showing why she’s so determined to buy the family flower shop back, a stark contrast to the decision that Paulina from season one would’ve made. Although the siblings don’t agree on everything, the soap opera does a fantastic job at showing their sibling love in a way that makes the audience want to keep up with all of their shenanigans. The de la Mora family might be the most dysfunctional and unorthodox of families, but despite all of their differences, the bond they share can get them through anything, as noted in season two. Through its scenes of twisted humor, overly sexual encounters and moving moments, the second season has made fans fall for the show all over again. Because of the heavy scenes and explicit material, I only recommend the show to mature audiences who are looking for a good laugh.
Season two of “The House of Flowers” paid great respect to its predecessor. At times, the show can be a little too dramatic or unrealistic but that’s what TV is for. The de la Mora family reminds us that families aren’t perfect, but that’s okay.