During the Associated Students of the University of California, Riverside (ASUCR)’s fourth meeting of the quarter, the Executive Board (ECAB) announced their State of the Association (SOTA) reports.
Vice President of Finance (VPF) Cooper Kumar began the reports by explaining that he and the Finance Committee were pleased with the increase in grants and funding for clubs. He stated that improving club resources and capabilities were a main goal from last year, and they have made significant progress. Previously, there was $420,429 allocated to clubs and student organizations. However, there was a $75,000 increase this year.
Following VPF Kumar, Vice President of External Affairs (VPEA) Vivian Herrera gave a report on deliverables for the upcoming quarter. In 2022, Congressman Mark Takano had visited for an event, and after reaching out to have another, his office agreed. VPEA Herrera plans to host an event for undocumented students to understand their rights due to the administration changes and immigration policies. She hopes for this event to be a collaboration with California State University, San Bernardino and possibly other members of the Riverside community.
VPEA Herrera and her committee are currently working on pamphlets entailing undocumented people’s rights if they were to encounter Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers. The committee is also working on distributing red cards, a smaller version of the pamphlets, that can be obtained at the ASUCR office. These resources will also be in four different languages, English, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. Along with these, the new Lanken Riley Act motivated the VPEA to create a know your rights handbook.
Additionally, VPEA Herrera explained the annual lobby days are currently being planned and that registration will open soon. Apart from the annual Latina Lobby Day, the committee is attempting to host a South West Asian and North African (SWANA) Lobby Day. She hopes to bring 10 to 15 students to Sacramento.
President Abby Choy was not present, so a First Year Fellow presented on her behalf. He

shared that R’Gear day would be Thursday, Jan. 30. The budget for the stickers and sweaters that were handed out was approximately $9,000
She also has new initiatives planned and currently being implemented. ScottyEats is a program to assist food insecure students with obtaining meals for lower costs. President Choy also plans to work on creating meditation and prayer rooms in the dorms and a free legal clinic available twice a week for undocumented students. She hopes to create a medical school pipeline program and to get a referendum for the R’Garden to receive funding for more staff.
Elections Director Kevin Arizmendi announced that candidacy for ASUCR positions opened on Jan. 9 and the form will close a week later to ensure more submissions.
Personnel Director Grace Su is planning engagement events for Women’s History Month and a tailgating event.
Vice President of Internal Affairs Nadia Aierken explained wanting to collaborate with the UCR libraries for new academic programs for students.
Executive Vice President Naia Pizzaro followed up by confirming the Town Hall meetings for each school and that her First Year Fellows are planning mental health initiatives.
For the Legislative Review Committee, the Senate reviewed five pieces of legislation. The first one was SR-W25-001; a referendum to change the type of waste disposal in the ASUCR office. The resolution was passed 11-0-0.
Next, they discussed SB-W25-008 which proposed amendments to the Non-Traditional Students Committee to include the presence and involvement of undocumented students. The bill was approved 11-0-0.
SB-W25-009 covers adjustment of resources and international students’ involvement on campus. A friendly amendment was made to adjust the background commentary. The amendment was passed 10-0-1.
The next bill was to rename the Indigenous Student Union and keep the student organization. This bill was approved 9-0-1, and an amendment was made to adjust the member numbering system and passed 11-0-0.
The final bill discussed was the creation of an Oversight Committee to manage creation of clubs such as the Black Student Union and Indigenous Student Union. This bill was approved 10-0-1.
For senate, President Pro Tempore Leila Haidar was excused, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) Senator Nathan Baw was absent, CHASS Senator Carter Anderson was excused, College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences Senator Vinisha Lalli was excused and Bourns College of Engineering Senator (BCOE) Senator Uma Akundi was absent.
For ECAB, President Choy was excused, VP of Sustainability Ellen Nguyen was excused and VP of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ahman Greene was absent.