What is your favorite memory from the 2015-2016 school year related to UCR?

  1. “That feeling of knowing when you have all your units…like when you get … your graduation application approved.” -Brianna Esparza, Sociology, Fourth-yearJimmy Lai/HIGHLANDER
  2. “Spring Splash would be the most interesting one because I wasn’t able to attend Block Party and seeing everyone just gather together and party together was really nice to see.” -Patricia Apilado, Public Policy, First-yearfeatures.yearbook11
  3. “My most memorable part… was meeting new people…in general in orgs and just on campus…seeing new faces…in class…(such as) soc or psych.” -Han Kim, Psychology, Third-yearfeatures.yearbook10


What was a time this year when you stepped out of your comfort zone?

  1. “The time when I stepped out of (my) comfort zone was when I went to programs and they had the rock climbing wall that was portable and I tried that and that was fun to do. I was like still scared because I was kind of up high but I felt like I accomplished something ‘cause I kind of am afraid of heights and just trying it and seeing how it was is just like an experience for me.” -Melissa Chou, Computer Science, First-yearfeatures.yearbook9
  2. “Normally we don’t really talk to people, we don’t do much, and this is our first interaction of the quarter so this is our time where we step out of our comfort zone. This is our first time talking to someone else outside of our social group. Everyone behind this red curb is the only people we talk to.” -EE^3 Justin Bui (Electrical Engineering First-year Graduate Student), Evan Lavizadeh (Electrical Engineering, Fourth-year Undergraduate Student) and Austin Guillermo (Electrical Engineering, First-year Graduate Student), add lightning bolt emojifeatures.yearbook0


What was the hardest thing you faced this year and how did you overcome it?

  1. “Just classes. This is my second year so classes are a little bit tougher. Especially all chem. So I think I changed from last year and this year (in) the way that I study … I study with people now and I go to the library a lot and I form study groups … also, going to office hours helps a lot.” Olubukola Adefeso, Chemistry, Second-yearfeatures.yearbook8
  2. “It was just planning. Fall quarter I had like four classes and I was trying to find a job so I was trying to get everything together over the weekend and then I had to go back to Oceanside and here. But I ended up buying a planner so I can write things down and that is very helpful because every night, I will check for my day and what I’m supposed to do for the week so it will help me be organized.” Ilaria Russo, Linguistics, Third-yearfeatures.yearbook7

How are you different now than you were at the start of the school year?

  1. “I feel like I’ve matured more because now I start to think more about like … I’m a second year so I’m starting to think more about how I’m like I’m about to graduate pretty soon so time is really flying super fast and I don’t think I’m ready for it yet. So I think that’s something now I have in mind and I really think I’m going to miss everything. I just kind of want to enjoy more and live in the moment at UCR.” Dulce Rios, Environmental Science, Second-yearfeatures.yearbook6
  2. “Communication, getting out there. Before I was very timid, I didn’t wanna like talk or I was like afraid to speak up to what I believe. And like now …it’s my fourth year so at the end of the year I’m more like aware of what I want, I believe in my own thoughts, I’m not afraid to express myself, so socially I’ve become better.” -Martha Montes, Liberal Studies, Fourth-yearfeatures.yearbook5
  3. “I think I’m a better person because I know how to work with different people. Working from different perspectives and being able to see things differently and that’s just my way. Just seeing the world a little differently and getting out of my little bubble that I live in and seeing a lot more than just what my eyes can see.” -Michael Girgis, Business (Finance), Fourth-yearfeatures.yearbook4
  4. “So at the beginning of the year, we were unsponsored skaters, girls didn’t want to talk to us, people hated us, but now that Mountain Dew has sponsored us, we’re about to get all the ladies.” -EE^3


What is the funniest thing you’ve encountered this year while at UCR?

  1. “When my roommates do stupid things.” Lillian Yang, Neuroscience, Third-year
  2. “We’re not too satisfied with the UCR maintenance and the way they maintain the sidewalks and there’s this crack right here and it’s notorious for people falling on it and that’s our favorite thing to watch. We count, keep count. When we’re not skating, we watch people fall. Some people watch stand-up, we come here. It gets us off. Sometimes we’re the ones down on the floor. We fall so much, it’s nice to see someone else fall for a change. You gotta bring people down to your level.” -EE^3
  3. “One evening during the fall quarter as I was strolling out of my class by the Bell Tower, I witnessed a student fall off of his penny board. No one else had bothered to stop and help him up, even with his penny board and glasses strewn to each side of him. I know it sounds sad but I crack up each time I think back to it, especially since he’s now one of my best friends!” -Ashley Chung, Media and Cultural Studies, Second-yearfeatures.yearbook1
