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Saturday, February 8, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Colette King

Colette King


Restaurant Review: I want Mo’ coffee from Molinos

4 / 5 stars   Okay, I’ll admit it: It can be difficult to find things to do in Riverside, especially when you lack a vehicle....

Restaurant Review: Overcharged for my leafy greens at Salad Buzz

2.5/5 stars   Maybe I’m just a picky eater but I usually don’t like brown edges on my leafy greens. It’s terrible that it’s the initial...

Restaurant Review: Vicky’s Burger

⅖ stars   A slight hesitation followed by, “You’ll like any burger you get,” is what the no-name tag cashier said when I asked him what...

History Class: A one-sided story of America’s past

When George Washington confessed that he chopped down his father’s cherry tree he allegedly stated the famous words: “I cannot tell a lie.” In...

The torture of innocents at Guantanamo is reprehensible

It is one thing to debate a “controversial subject” in order to better understand the topic. But when this controversy is leading to the...

Response to Boston marathon bombings reveals deep-seated prejudice

The famous Boston Marathon had a tragic ending on April 15 when two bombs set off panic, deaths, injuries and a tragedy that no...

Riverside makes room for eco-friendly transportation

It’s not a secret that cities are trying to become more sustainable, not only to better the environment, but to avoid the continuing instability...

Legislators are swayed by the luxurious life provided by corporations

The California legislature has adapted to a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality over the years. Just in 2012, there have been...

The benefits of technology in medical school curriculum

If any show prepared our generation for the future, Nickelodeon’s show Jimmy Neutron surely did. Flash back to your childhood for a moment and...

Best Sex Ever

Students huddled into HUB 302 on Feb. 19 for what was not your average academic event. There was a particular question on everyone's minds...