Ysabel Nakasone
Tough it out, girlie!
How do you deal with LDR ? It's been three years, and I'm still head over heels, but it doesn't get any easier :((
New quarter, new you…
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Two of Swords
You are faced with a difficult decision — one you are avoiding. This isn’t a choice...
Work on yourself before working on others
"As a straight man, the only demographic I attract is gay men. And while swapping teams would be awfully convenient, I am still straight!...
Who you are is what’s important
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Five of Wands Reversed
Something in you is tense now, Aries. You’re living on a hair trigger and have...
Spitzer’s “NoLAinOC judges list” is plainly nonsensical
As everyone is turning in their primary ballots, people are preparing for that slew of judges on their ballot whose names they have never...
Coaches Don’t Play: Light recon is the way to his heart
"We hang out all the time, we make each other laugh, and my gosh, he's the best, if you know what I mean … ...
Find out what is in the cards post-Valentine’s
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Seven of Cups
You’ve taken a chance at face value. You let yourself get tricked by all the bells...
The prison industrial complex is a blight on California
The state of California incarcerates its citizens at a rate of nearly 550 persons per 100,000 people in prisons, jails, immigration detention centers and...
This week is full of challenges and struggles…
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Justice
You have done something you regret and are waiting for the other shoe to drop. What you’ve done...
The future is arriving with blinding clarity
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Seven of Cups
There is someone in your life that you need to give the benefit of the doubt...