Thursday, May 2, 2024

How the donkeys at UCR became our newest fascination

  Recently, the donkeys at UCR have taken over everyone’s fascination in the Riverside area. Many have become obsessed with spotting these animals this year during the early months of fall quarter. The donkeys have...
Dickens Festival - Evelyn Homan / The Highlander

The Riverside Dickens Festival serves up literacy and laughter

Riverside’s Dickens Festival carries on in the traditions of Riverside culture and celebrating history. Founded in the 1990s, the festival exists with the intention of being a history lesson mixed with a love of...

10 essentials to add to your summertime bucket lis

Spring quarter is almost over and many of us are already thinking about summer. With summer comes a lot of heat but also a time to have fun when we aren’t too busy stressing...
Horoscope - Courtesy of Pexels

This one’s for the broken hearts

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Queen of Cups The Queen of Cups tells you it’s time to invest in self-love. Whether you’ve just started the single journey or not, you haven’t been taking the...
Feat_Survive Economics3_Courtesy of Pexels

Economics Major Survival Guide

Math-Related Courses Come First Many courses like the math series and the statistics class are generally prerequisites for upper division courses as well as lower division courses so it’s advisable to start knocking those classes...
Courtesy of Pexels

Under the kilt: You’re Acting Crazy

Want to become a master of the first G in Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss? Stop listening to what your silly friends are telling you and start deceiving your partner today! Step One: Do Your Research Start your...
Courtesy of Pexels

Think of that special someone…

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Ace of Pentacles A seed has been planted. The last time you saw them, they felt like they were noticing something they hadn’t before. This might be the turning...
Courtesy of The Highlander

Exploring UCR’s liminal spaces

If there is any recurring enemy for a college student, it’s their class schedule. Although multiple hour labs and back to back lectures are draining in and of themselves, this is about the gaps...
courtesy of freepiks

The future is arriving with blinding clarity

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Seven of Cups There is someone in your life that you need to give the benefit of the doubt right now. They are facing accusations and rumors, ones that...
Courtesy of Pexels

College student survival guide to Ramadan

With Ramadan less than a week away, now, if you haven’t already, is the time to start preparing. For those who don’t know, Ramadan is the Muslim holy month where Muslims (who are able)...