Friday, July 26, 2024
According to a 2012 general psychology review published by the National Institutes of Health, at least 60 percent of college-aged students have participated in a casual, sexual relationship. Although the intensity of physical intimacy of the relationships observed varied, the common feature was that these relationships were unlike traditional romantic relationships in that they lacked commitment and exclusivity. These...
Everybody knows breaking up isn’t an easy thing to do. It puts you on an emotional rollercoaster you simply can’t escape. Like most difficult things in life, you have to face it head-on. Now, the whole “breaking up” issue takes a new turn if your ex goes to the same school or has the same circle of friends. This...
Being a victim of a toxic relationship is hard, especially since you are oftentimes blinded by it. If I had a penny for everytime I heard someone say, “But I love them and you just don’t understand,” I would be able to pay my tuition, and maybe even yours. And I hate to admit it, but I too have...
  I don't consider myself naive or anything, but if I see someone with a band-aid on their neck, my first thought would probably be they just got choked-slammed the night before. Some may question the need for any sort of neck cover-up, whether it is a scarf in the middle of the Riverside summer or a blotch of concealer...
As companions who deeply care about, treasure and appreciate our friends, seeing one of them go through a physically or emotionally abusive relationship is the last thing we want to experience. It’s cruel, it’s painful and most of the time, it’s frustrating: We really want to cut in and end the relationship right then and there in order to...
With the holidays getting closer each day, the struggle to find a special gift for your significant other (SO) can be difficult — one always wants to make their gift special and not be the SO that gives their loved one a lame last-minute gift. It also doesn't help that some of us are the cliche “broke college student.”...
California’s recently passed SB239 softens the blow of offenses that come with willingly exposing someone to a sexually-transmitted disease (STD). Why make such a rule? The reasoning is unclear, but what is blatant is that it will have repercussions on relationships of people who have sexual partners with STDs. As if being in a relationship wasn’t already an uphill...
Whether it be our friend or significant other, we always want to be able to support them through any adversity they are faced with. But when that adversity takes the form of  sexual violence, it’s not uncommon to be unaware of how to handle it. When faced with this type of situation it is completely acceptable and understandable to...
When people talk to me about losing their best friend, it’s almost always for the same reason: Their best friend got a boyfriend. I hear about this situation time and time again and initially, it seems like it is the best friend’s fault for changing and hurting the people who care about them. But if you have ever been in a...
  Long-distance relationships be a tedious, but like anything else, is just a bump on the road of companionship. (Courtesy of University of Oregon) After the summer breeze rolls in and school fizzles out, people go back to their respective homes for the summer — a moment which feels as though you're marching into an entirely new world. Once you abandon all...