Friday, April 19, 2024

To hickey or not to hickey … that is the question

  I don't consider myself naive or anything, but if I see someone with a band-aid on their neck, my first thought would probably be they just got choked-slammed the night before. Some may question...

Under the Kilt: Helping a friend undergoing relationship abuse

As companions who deeply care about, treasure and appreciate our friends, seeing one of them go through a physically or emotionally abusive relationship is the last thing we want to experience. It’s cruel, it’s...

Fun and affordable gifts for your significant other

With the holidays getting closer each day, the struggle to find a special gift for your significant other (SO) can be difficult — one always wants to make their gift special and not be...

The woes of honesty: Being upfront with STDs

California’s recently passed SB239 softens the blow of offenses that come with willingly exposing someone to a sexually-transmitted disease (STD). Why make such a rule? The reasoning is unclear, but what is blatant is...

Under the Kilt: Helping a friend cope in aftermath of sexual violence

Whether it be our friend or significant other, we always want to be able to support them through any adversity they are faced with. But when that adversity takes the form of  sexual violence,...

Under the Kilt: People change but friendships don’t

When people talk to me about losing their best friend, it’s almost always for the same reason: Their best friend got a boyfriend. I hear about this situation time and time again and initially, it...

How to keep the summer heat burning in a long-distance relationship

  Long-distance relationships be a tedious, but like anything else, is just a bump on the road of companionship. (Courtesy of University of Oregon) After the summer breeze rolls in and school fizzles out, people go back...

Under the Kilt: The secret to happiness

The value of any human being can only be measured by the riches in his or her pockets or daily outfit. If you can't sense a gold mine from the first step, please refrain...

Under the Kilt: Living with your S.O.

Sporting my Jamba Juice cashier uniform, I asked, "Can I get you anything else?" "Your number," said the rather charming retail store clerk — and three months later, we found ourselves converting the garage...

The science behind heartbreak

Everyone knows that when you get your heart broken it really sucks. Most college-age individuals have experienced the excruciating feeling of losing a boyfriend or girlfriend, but those who haven’t yet often look at...