UCR School of Medicine bill passes in senate committee

Senate Bill 21, which requests $15 million in state funding for UCR’s School of Medicine, received unanimous, bipartisan accreditation at the Senate Education Committee last Wednesday, April 17. The bill is now being passed...

Grantees selected for Immortality project

Started at UC Riverside, the Immortality Project has awarded 10 different research teams from both the U.S. and Europe $2.4 million in science grants. Distinguished UCR Professor of Philosophy John Martin Fischer initiated the...

Graduate student union protests $208 quarterly gym fee

A small protest occurred at the grand opening of the newly built UCR Student Recreation Center (SRC) South last Friday over hikes in gym membership fees, which will increase from $59 per quarter to...

ASUCR: Election conflicts boil over, result in censure

This week’s more than six-hour-long ASUCR senate meeting was rife with controversy as spectators overflowing from the room expressed both support for and opposition to recent actions taken by ASUCR, including the disqualification of...

UC makes efforts to increase African-American and Latino enrollment

The University of California is increasing its efforts to encourage more African-Americans and Latinos to apply and enroll in UC schools. With the recent approval of the plan to enroll more Californians in the...

Mexico funds $10 million for collaborative research between Mexico and UC

On Thursday, March 30, University of California President Janet Napolitano, along with  Mexican Secretary of Energy, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, announced new funding of $10 million to be distributed by the National Council of Science...

UCR and SoCalGas open new research center

On Wednesday, May 17, UCR and the Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) company, a subsidiary of Fortune 500 company Sempra Energy, announced the opening of a new natural gas research center on campus. The Center...

UC Riverside increases energy conservation efforts

Researchers from UC Riverside plan on exploring the possibility of placing solar farms on agricultural land in California’s Central Valley, according to a recent press release. The release also speculated on the possibility of...

UCR in solidarity with missing students in Mexico

Multiple campus student organizations led by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) of UCR organized a demonstration and candlelight vigil to stand in solidarity with 43 college students families who went missing on Sept....

Four UCR students granted EXROP fellowships

Susan Wessler, a UCR genetics professor, Richard Cardullo, the faculty director for University Honors and Jim Burnette, the director of the Dynamic Genome Program, have nominated four undergraduate students for fellowships funded by the...