The UC’s carbon neutrality goals reek of smog and empty promises

The University of California (UC) announced ambitious goals to achieve carbon neutrality benchmarks by 2030 with startling positivity and optimism. With air quality in California at a dangerous low and the state struggling to...

UC prison divestment is a half-hearted, face-saving gesture

Recently, the University of California system divested from California's private prisons, selling approximately $25 million in shares from several of these corporations. This comes after a period of protest by students across the UC...

The Justice Department’s domestic terrorism response unit is not a solution for systemic issues

After decades of the United States being worried sick about foreign terrorism, the Justice Department is finally focusing inward to tackle the rising threat of domestic terrorism. The unit, meant to supplement the National...

Fact-checking is more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic

NBC News published a story earlier this month with a troubling headline: “African Americans may be dying from COVID-19 at a higher rate. Better data is essential, experts say.” From the first...

Editorial: Dear First-Year Highlander: The Water’s Fine

A student’s first week on campus can be summed up as a sensory overload-induced daze. If it weren’t for some merciful professors’ generous first-day-of-class syllabus review to buffer the summer slog from the quarter...

Editorial: Frustration should lead to the voting booth

We’ve all heard it. “I care, but my vote really doesn’t matter.” We’ve heard it in Rivera library, in Starbucks, in class, at the HUB. In a time of uncertain job prospects, disastrous cuts...

The GOP’s new tactic to suppress voting for the left by targeting college students...

Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Republicans have already begun trying to find ways to suppress votes for the left. By once again using false claims of voter fraud, America’s youth, specifically those who...

UC sexual assault cases expose university’s apathy toward victims

A scathing report published Feb. 28 by UC Berkeley’s Daily Cal reveals at least 124 cases filed over the past three years involving University of California employees’ violations of the UC sexual violence and...

Editorial: Nepal and California: A world together and apart

The earthquakes that hit Nepal should be no mystery to anybody at this point. At April 25 11:56 a.m. local time, Nepal was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that is currently calculated to...

Editorial: The Internet: The final frontier

As a nation, we have all just collectively survived the masses of shrapnel from one of the most competitive and contentious presidential elections in history. One would expect that vociferous arguments over unemployment, the...