Friday, July 26, 2024
  By: Michael Rios Editor's note: Michael Rios is a UCR alumnus and former Highlander editor. Sometime during my third year at UCR, I gave up on a lifelong dream of becoming a physicist. I remember the exact moment it happened. It was during a math exam in the Physics 2000 lecture hall. I was at my desk, struggling to solve...
  By: Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer and Cástulo de la Rocha The two of us are among dozens of commencement speakers at California’s colleges and universities this year who are calling out the importance of having health insurance coverage in our remarks to new graduates and their families. We congratulate you on what you have accomplished and offer our good wishes for...
  I read with deep regret Carisha Moore’s open letter to the Highlander regarding my silence on issues related to sexual violence and sexual harassment. Making public comments during ongoing investigations may adversely affect the outcome of a case, which I wish to avoid at all costs. I recognize now those concerns made me too cautious in my public comments about...
Writer: Carisha Maria Moore, ASUCR executive vice president and undergraduate representative of the UC-wide Title IX Advisory Board Major: Third-year, cellular, molecular and developmental biology Email: [email protected] Recently, our very own Chancellor Kim Wilcox was alleged to have ignored claims of sexual misconduct made against William Strampel, former dean of osteopathic medicine at Michigan State University, where Wilcox served as provost prior...
Dear Editor, We are writing in response to the Highlander editorial regarding Chancellor Wilcox and the university administration’s commitment to ending sexual violence and sexual harassment at UCR. Put simply, UCR has zero tolerance for any form of sexual violence or sexual harassment on our campus. Over the past five years, UCR established the first Chief Compliance Office to strengthen oversight of...
Writer: Shyam Rajan, Sociology major Email: [email protected] Recent media attention has spotlighted President Donald Trump’s relationship with the North Korean and Russian post-communist nations. However, relations with the similarly oriented People’s Republic of China have been important since at least the presidency of fellow Republican Richard Nixon, who was the first American president to visit the country in 1972. And don’t...
Writer: Kenneth Rosenfield, ’89 MBA UCR Email: [email protected] In response to the Highlander editorial published on November 20, 2017, entitled, "California must put the brakes on new gas tax," the Highlander has its facts right about the condition of the State's infrastructure, but they are dead wrong on how we should pay for transportation infrastructure. The recent increase in the gas...
Writer: Daniel Ruppert-Majer, History Major with a European Concentration E-mail: [email protected] A great service to UCR was done on Wednesday, Feb. 15. This service was rendered by ASUCR Elections Director Marcy Kuo in the form of a bill that, if voted to pass by the student body, would eliminate the quarterly requirement of a 2.0 and raise the cumulative GPA requirements for...
Writer: Anonymous I congratulate the student senate on its Wednesday, Feb. 1 vote banning the sale of Sabra hummus!  Thank God the 13 students in the senate took such a brave and consequential step against chickpea paste. I was especially pleased that the senate voted for the ban to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and to recognize their suffering....
Daniel Ruppert-Majer, History major with a European concentration Contact: [email protected] The article “Snowflakes melt fast and so will President Obama’s legacy” postulates that “Obama’s presidency was one of the worst this country has seen in a long time.” This is quite a bold claim that the author attempts to back up with a variety of arguments, some less successful than others. The...