Saturday, May 18, 2024
, the potential for exceeding the boundaries of acceptable policing are huge. California’s history with police enforcement is steeped in controversy (witness the Watts and Rodney King riots), and with the current backlash toward excessive policing — as previously mentioned with the situation in Ferguson involving the shooting of Michael Brown — it is no surprise that people would...
As classes resume and we return to campus, reminders of the diversity of our student body are all around us. Some students have arrived freshly inspired by the beauty and culture of foreign countries, and some emerge from the depths of backbreaking jobs and seemingly endless hours of internships; still others sit in the very same classrooms they frequented during long days of...
A writer, a scientist, a philosopher, a mathematician, a musician, a poet, a researcher and an artist walk into a coffee shop. They order coffee, and next thing you know … they sit down and talk to each other. You may have been waiting for the punchline, but there isn’t one here. The fact is, these sorts of meetups...
Among students who have attended UCR, only 65 percent of first-generation collegiates have graduated within a six-year span of taking classes. This number is far from being acceptable, and — if it were the graded percentage on a test or essay — would leave most people wondering where they went wrong. It should come as no surprise then, that...
For many people, the thought of using a restroom in public doesn’t cause much consternation. There may be a few germaphobes among us who cannot stand the idea of a public restroom, but when push comes to shove, the public restroom is the default option for the emergency scenario. For many, this act that seems so simple isn’t quite so...
  Pop quiz: What’s an event with national importance happening in November? If you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking of turkey and mashed potatoes. But if you’re a political science major, you probably said the November elections. It’s true that there’s nothing better than noshing on turkey and lapsing into an epic food coma. Still, even if you’re not...
Book banning is one of the most sensitive and controversial subjects in the realm of education. From the protection of youth to disagreements on a moral level with the author or the work itself, every reason under the sun has been given to keep some books out of the hands of students. Most recently, the John Green novel “The...
What is it, exactly, that makes a college, in the eyes of the public and students, prestigious? Most of us know the name of a prestigious university when we hear it. Its name often rings in the public sphere, whether for its athletics or for professors’ or students’ achievements, with big, grand-sounding names for awards. Sometimes it’s just the...
Swarms of anxious and feisty freshman and transfer students are entering our UCR campus with so much anticipation of what these four-plus years will bring. As a transfer student, I was in the same position this time last year. What classes are we going to take, who will be our friends and what kind of lasting memories will be...
To the Graduate Student Community, I’m upset about increased mandatory recreation fees for graduate students, and I think you should be too. As you all likely know, graduate students will be soon expected to pay $149 per quarter in student fees to cover the cost of the Student Recreation Center Expansion. This is in addition to the $59 per quarter...