Friday, May 17, 2024
Times are changing and they are changing fast. Emerging leaders invoke nostalgic memories of what the world used to look like and draw attention to each respective country’s “glory days”. Candidates and executives such as US President Donald Trump, Matteo Salvini of Italy’s populist Lega Nord party, and now, Andres Manuel  Lopez Obrador of Mexico, all reminisce about a...
The war in Iraq was said to be all about oil, oil, oil. Many were certain that the United States’ dependency on the product would never cease. Although the country’s reliance on the commodity is not predicted to completely dissipate, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has recently announced good news for Americans. The IEA’s chief economist said at a...
Now that Senator Ted Cruz has thrown in the towel, Donald Trump has completely eliminated his Republican competition and is the presumptive Republican nominee. A lot of Trump’s popularity comes from his position in the race as a businessman and not an “all talk” politician tied to the Republican establishment. Yet, his rise to the top has fractured the...
In mid-March, a new Vatican constitution was published that will allow women to head some Vatican offices. This was an unexpected move, not only because of the consistently conservative stances on political issues Catholicism is known for, but also because the Pope had opposed this specific action as recently as 2015. It may not come as a surprise to...
During the school year, it feels as if we constantly receive crime alerts from UCPD. On January 16 of last year, there were five crime alerts within one hour. People may joke about Riverside being “ghetto,” but the reality of the crime rate here is no joke. At the time of writing this piece, there have been 42 thefts,...
To be, or not to be — that is the question many students ask themselves as they battle against the sundry rigors of college life on a daily basis. I remember a time during finals week when I made my way to the Orbach Science Library for a late-night study session. Upon reaching the third floor, I scrutinized the...
I am a very opinionated person. I blame it on genetics; both my grandmothers have quite strong opinions, so I guess it runs on both sides of the family. Then again, growing up in an environment with two opinionated parents also probably had its effect. Regardless of whether nature or nurture is responsible for it, I’ve always known exactly what...
Autopia, a miniature motorway attraction in Tomorrowland at Disneyland, has decided to remove its gas-engined cars. Designed by Bob Gurr in 1955, the attraction was inspired by the invention of “freeways” at the time. The public’s fascination with transportation changes fueled this ride's popularity. With the prevalence of climate change and the negative environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions...