Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Drawn by Justus Ross The University of California (UC) system has been in a state of near-constant strife for the last month and a half. Last month saw the UC Regents attempt to further hike up student tuition, only for their meeting, during which they were meant to vote on the hike, to...
Courtesy of Netflix “Tiger King” is one of Netflix’s most entertaining yet controversial true crime documentaries to date. The documentary, which follows the life of former zoo operator, internet personality and former musician Joe Exotic. It presents the circumstances leading up to his imprisonment as well as the operations of his exotic animal...
Under the United States tax laws, churches are considered public charities. Once filed as a Section 501 organization they are considered a nonprofit and are completely exempt from paying any federal, state, income and property taxes. While critics of these tax laws argue that it is a privilege, churches argue that it is their right and much debate has...
Despite the criticism of the true intentions behind the NBA’s active efforts to increase voter turnout, it does not change the fact that they have indeed increased the number of citizens voting in this year's elections. The voter turnout for the 2016 elections was a mere 58.1%, which was out of 138 million Americans who were eligible to vote...
To desecrate the flag is the most American thing that any citizen of this nation can do. For in this seemingly heinous act of unpatriotic fervor is the symbolism of why America is an exceptional nation. The Founding Fathers gave the American people the right to criticize and disrespect that very government which they built with their own sweat...
Ted Cruz is a disgrace to Texas and to the U.S. Senate. As the Texas power crisis shows how quickly poorly maintained infrastructure can crumble at the hands of intense weather and climate change, Cruz has made his latest mistake in a too-long list of blunders. Despite the crisis already leading to several deaths, Senator Ted Cruz chose to...
The Academy Awards have been notorious for snubbing creators of color to give a platform to white filmmakers and actors. Year after year, the same types of movies that glorify white stories sweep all of the awards. This leaves stories by and about marginalized communities with nothing to show for their efforts. Fortunately, 2021 has brought forth a renewed...
On Oct. 8th, Gov. Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 1456 “The Cal Grant Reform Act,” which would have expanded financial aid to another 160,000 community college students. He stated it would result in “significant cost pressures to the state, likely in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually.” Another consideration of his was that it could lead to tuition hikes...
The Republican party in Michigan drew districts so far to their favor that claims of gerrymandering could no longer be ignored. After a decade of these undemocratic districts, justice is being restored with the newly created district map to give Democrats a “fighting chance” in upcoming elections. These new maps were created through bipartisan collaboration and excluded biased lawmakers...
One of the most discussed topics regarding animal conservation surrounds the role that humanity plays in the increasing numbers of species going extinct. A lot of this conversation is often attributed to matters such as climate change, which has seen increasing and abnormal temperature patterns. In turn, natural habitats have been facing irreversible damages, relocating various species and killing...