Monday, May 20, 2024
Every year decisions to improve ourselves begin at the stroke of midnight each New Year’s Day. Whether it’s to be more frugal, get in shape or be charitable, it’s always easier to procrastinate by saying, “I’ll start next year.” But does that time ever come? Surprisingly, according to a study, only 8 percent of the people who make New...
On Easter Sunday, April 21, Sri Lanka suffered a devastating series of mass bombings that resulted in almost 300 casualties, including many international citizens as well. The attacks were carried out by a domestic radical Islamist terrorist organization with ties to ISIS, who later claimed responsibility and claimed that the attack was “retaliation for the Christchurch massacre,” which occurred...
The 2016 election season is in full swing, bringing together all types of political contenders in hopes of gaining the most coveted position in the world: the president. One of the people running for the position is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with endorsements from the New York Times, Planned Parenthood and The Boston Globe padding her already-overwhelming...
The ongoing discussion about immigrant rights and treatment in the U.S. has been in the news and media for ages, yet there is not enough action that has been taken to make a change. The recent collapse of the Baltimore Bridge highlights the dangerous working conditions that immigrants are continually placed in. For centuries, immigrant labor has been used...
The problem of law enforcement abusing its power is one that many American citizens have either read about or seen in the news lately. Many people, including myself, have even had personal run-ins with police officers who overstep their boundaries and infringe on our rights. However, some citizens may rightfully respect policemen for taking a role of sacrifice and danger....
In my five years at UCR, I’ve witnessed the Occupy UC protests reach a crescendo here on campus, complete with drum circles, police in riot gear, news vans and helicopters. I’ve witnessed a countless number of die-ins and marches protesting a range of issues from police brutality to sexual assault on college campuses. The passion exhibited by students leading...
Today’s mortgage rates have been steadily increasing from approximately 6% in the past few months. A mortgage is a financial agreement between an individual and a lender that allows them to borrow money to purchase or refinance a home. If the homeowner fails to pay back the mortgage, the lender has the right to take your property. While these...
All too often, countless stories are published that highlight the extreme dangers of climate change. In California, residents have experienced the harmful side effects of global warming in the form of intense wildfires and persistent droughts. As the environment worsens, we must take a more robust approach to handling and educating citizens on the repercussions of climate change. And...
Every college student is always on the hunt for delicious, cheap food. But too often these qualities are mutually exclusive. If that slice of pizza didn’t cost you more than $4, then odds are it’s just your below-average, sub-par pizza that is big on tough crust and light on the cheese and tomato sauce. But who wants to spend...
At a closed meeting on May 16, CHASS Senator Mariam Alkhalili’s senate bill to reduce ASUCR Executive Cabinet (ECAB) stipends by about 60 percent was decidedly rejected by the ASUCR Senate Legislative Review Committee (LRC) in a 5-0-1 vote to table the bill. Alkhalili’s bill, which was shot down by the five-member committee headed by incoming External VP Martin...