Wednesday, May 15, 2024
At the center of the dimly lit theater room at the Culver Center of the Arts sits Jill Alexander Essbaum, bespectacled and sporting a colorful green dress. Essbaum is a noted American poet and novelist whose recent debut novel, “Hausfrau” published in 2015 was a New York Times Bestseller. Her work has been frequently anthologized in publications such as...
Her demeanor is relaxed and controlled, as she considers her answers to my question. She seems at ease, and in control of her language, just as she might when she is on mic — yet, the friendliness in conversation becomes an entirely different body language anytime FENATURE (or Fe) steps up to the mic. An undergraduate liberal studies major...
Earlier this week, I sat down with Melanie Queponds, the creative director of the Latino/a Play Project and a fifth-year theater and English double major here at UCR, to discuss the group's mission, history and plans for the future. During our talk, she used a Spanish phrase that caught my attention, “ni de aqui o de aya,” or, “neither...
In the basement of the California Museum of Photography, down a spiraling metal staircase, is the current exhibition titled “Recollection,” which artists have created with the use of the museum’s Keystone-Mast Collection. This archive of photography dating between the 1870s and 1930s is the largest of its kind, naturally attracting artists from all over the world to try their...
On Oct. 28, downtown Riverside’s Barbara and Art Culver Center hosted a public print viewing of postmortem photography from the Gluck Foundation’s “From the Vault” series. The modest collection of prints dated back to 19th century daguerreotypes to more modern 20th century colored prints, each frame a fragment of a narrative on the evolution of how we reflect on...
Theater and the arts have always served as a medium of self expression. However, it’s easy to forget that starring in plays and movies isn’t always about the glamorous life and the big paycheck. It serves a purpose and it’s meant to be fun. Miles Anderson, the director of the upcoming production of “Tartuffe” by Moliere at UCR, sat...
Every year creates a new possibility, with trends falling out of style, or certain styles coming back in. Last year was the year streetwear hit its stride in terms of market growth, with smaller fashion outlets such as Vetements and Anti-Social Social Club gaining serious traction as purveyors of serious fashion. Here are some fashion trends and phenomena we...
“Day upon day, and year upon year, O city, walking your streets, / where you hold me enchain’d a certain time, refusing to give me up; / yet giving to make me glutted, enrich’d of soul …” - Walt Whitman, “Give me the Splendid, Silent Sun.” Staring over the crowd of cars, neighborhood poet and avid sidewalk sitter Adriana Moore...
Before UCR Arts emerged in downtown Riverside in 2010, it was initially composed of three separate museums: The Jack and Marilyn Sweeney Art Gallery (1963), the California Museum of Photography (1973) and the Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts (2010). Now known as UCR Arts, the museum offers various exhibitions from UCR professors to deliver unique experiences...
The “Blood-Jet Writing Hour” is an online radio show produced and hosted by UCR alumna Rachelle Cruz. During the show, Cruz interviews various poets to gain insight on their work and their individual writing processes. For an aspiring writer, it’s a goldmine of knowledge about the contemporary poetry landscape and the craft of writing in general. For many people,...