Tag: brown
Karamo Brown emphasizes the importance of accepting and loving yourself
On Wednesday, May 22, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Residential Life and ASPB collaborated to present #UCRHIPTIP with Karamo Brown, moderated by social...
“I didn’t want to believe it wasn’t true”: Voting software mishap...
ASUCR’s 2018 elections garnered controversy last week when the turnout rate was drastically overestimated in a programming glitch.
This program, built by BCOE Senator Patrick Le,...
ASUCR considers banning political parties and laptopping in 2018 elections
On Wednesday, Dec. 6, ASUCR hosted their last meeting of fall quarter, beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m.
ASUCR President Aram Ayra introduced his new...
Gov. Brown fills two spots on UC Board of Regents
Gov. Jerry Brown announced the selection of Assembly Speaker Emeritus John A. Perez (D-Calif.) and Long Beach City College superintendent-president Eloy Ortiz Oakley to...
UC to reduce water usage amid drought emergency
In light of Gov. Brown’s recent drought emergency proclamation, the UC Office of the President (UCOP) announced its goal to reduce water use per...
Gov. Brown ignores partisans to find third option on gun control
Two weeks ago, 18 gun-related bills shot onto Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk. An unabashed partisan would have signed or vetoed all 18 together. But...
Jerry Brown Takes His Budget Proposal Back
In April 2013, Gov. Jerry Brown proposed a budget increase for the California State University and the University of California systems. According to the...
Polls show majority in support of Gov. Brown’s tax initiative
Recent Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California poll results revealed mixed news for Governor Brown as support for his proposed tax initiative has declined...
Brown’s revised budget allocates UC less funding than expected
Gov. Brown's revised budget, which seeks to address the state's $16 billion deficit, will temporarily withhold $38 million from the state's initial $90 million...