Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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It’s On Us nooner encourages and empowers survivors of sexual assault

Throughout the month of April, the Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE) office has sponsored programs to promote Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). One...

#metoo: How UCR expands the conversation on sexual violence

Claudia Jimenez, a second-year political science major, first heard about the #metoo movement while watching the Ellen Show. “Ellen was going over how she...

Last-minute gift ideas for that special someone this Valentine’s Day

It’s week six, and with midterms in full swing it can be hard to keep track of much else with all those late night...

“On Stage with Kelvin Yu!” invites discussion on diversity and the...

“Lord of the Rings,” that’s what Kelvin Yu compared to the current situation of Asian Americans, as well as children of other minorities in...

The gender divide: How to lure a potential crush

Staff Writers Janine and Edward will be having a dialogue about embarking on a new relationship or person of interest, offering perspectives from a...

Highlander Chefs educates and nourishes students at “Homegrown Meals!”

The savory smell of pasta, the sizzling of hot oil and a booth setup inside Glen Mor Market attracted a small crowd to “Homegrown...

Solving your New Year’s resolutions

New year's resolutions are the bane of people’s newly realized existences. They work to prematurely ready people for the incoming year, but they also...

The Fast Lane: The 2018 Mazda 3 Is all the car...

Mazda has been building a solid reputation for themselves lately by making premium fun-to-drive cars at competitive prices. Their products are generally the most...

Cam Calkins: The man who went from teaching English in Indonesia...

Misfit. That is the word that James Cameron Calkins, an employee of UCR’s dining services, uses to describe himself. He claims that what makes...

Hacking at a dream: Third-year Gustavo Correa is bridging two disciplines...

Third-year computer engineering student Gustavo Correa did what many applicants in California could not do. He qualified for the extremely prestigious Red Bull “Hack...