With spring break now done and over with and classes starting back up, it can seem daunting. To many, only having one week of break is simply not enough time to recharge before the start of spring quarter. In a way, it’s hard to separate the lingering stress and fatigue that follows from winter quarter to spring quarter, making the spring quarter even more overwhelming and creating fallbacks. Here are some tips that can help make this spring quarter a little easier. 

Create a schedule 

With so  many different classes and plans, it can be easy to miss a few important assignments or classes. Having a planner, whether it’s virtual or physical, can help keep all upcoming plans and assignments organized. Adding timers or having daily reminders set can keep away the last minute rush to turn in assignments or overbooking yourself with additional plans. 

Create class group chats 

With so many different classes, there are bound to be several last minute questions that professors won’t have time to answer. Creating group chats on Discord or GroupMe can give you more resources and connect you with classmates who may have the answers you’re looking for. Having a support group with classmates who are likely feeling the same pressure as you can help shift your class experience.

Join an organization 

Joining an organization is a good way to have events that create a nice break from classes. With either joining a club or even Greek life, there are several different ways to be part of something on campus. Focusing on something other than classes can sometimes be a much needed break from the revolving stress that surfaces throughout the quarter. Have some fun, and make new memories that will make the final quarter more memorable. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help 

Even with everything said, sometimes it’s not enough to help relieve the anxiety and stress that arises with every new quarter. With that said, never be afraid to ask for help, whether that be asking your professors for extended help or talking with a friend who can help. The weight of the last quarter can seem daunting, and that’s okay to admit, just like it’s okay to look for helpful resources. There are also campus resources available such as CAPS with a wide range of resources for every student’s disposal.
