Radar Replay: ‘Transistor’ exemplifies the introspective nature of science fiction

Supergiant Games were coming in hot after their successful debut action role-playing title “Bastion” had won numerous awards and accolades. The pressure of attempting to catch lightning in a bottle again in an artistic...

‘The Believer’ teaches us that we can defeat our enemies through love

Ryan Gosling stars in 2001’s “The Believer” as Daniel Balint who, after rebelling against his ultraconservative Jewish upbringing, becomes a neo-Nazi in contemporary New York City. The character is based on the 1960s real-life...

Radar Replay: ‘Luigi’s Mansion,’ the spookiest underrated classic!

With Halloween and “Luigi’s Mansion 3” quickly approaching, it’s important to understand where Luigi started his frightening series. Releasing alongside the Gamecube, “Luigi’s Mansion” introduced players to a unique and eerie mansion full of...

Radar Replay: ‘Low Roar’: the brilliance of Iceland’s folk rock self-titled album

Courtesy of @thor._.nike via Instagram In early 2002, Ryan Karazija would start the formation of indie rock group, Audrye Sessions, performing around coffeehouses in Livermore, Calif. For the...

Radar Replay: This Halloween, let the “The Witches” be at the top of your...

Perhaps Christmas is the season when you prefer cozying up with your loved ones more and watching a feel-good classic holiday movie. At Halloween, you want to be out at a party or trick-or-treating...

Radar Replay: ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ is a metamorphic romance spanning space and time

It begins and ends with the titular castle. Throughout “Howl’s Moving Castle,” the lumbering steampunk behemoth undergoes many physical changes, whether it be the shedding of its bulky exterior or the polishing of its...

‘Harold and Maude’: breaking ageism in romance

The 70s classic film, “Harold and Maude,” explored a romantic relationship between an 18-year-old man, Harold, and a 79-year-old woman, Maude. Since its release, film critics have had varying responses to this film. Some...

Radar Replay: Revisiting Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Phantom of the Opera’

Encapsulating the musical experience of Broadway’s longest-running show, Joel Schumacher directed a seamless transition from stage to screen in his 2004 adaptation of “The Phantom of the Opera.” With a notable track record of...

Radar Replay: ‘Xenoblade Chronicles’ a true modern classic

Courtesy of Nintendo Every year, players make choices on what games they want to play and it’s hard for many niche titles to stand out amongst the sea...

Radar Replay: ‘Shrek 2’ is a cultural landmark in animation

Courtesy of Dreamworks Pictures “Shrek 2”’s cult following didn’t start recently — the film made more than five times their budget at the box office, became the highest-grossing...