Saturday, May 18, 2024
Courtesy of The Highlander
Extended stays in libraries have never been an activity to which I am particularly inclined to — stuffy, dimly lit, sonically displeasing, these places of communal study are typically places I avoid. It was with this predisposition that I decided to take on the assignment of enduring ten hours in UCR’s Orbach Science Library. What I sought in this...
Many students at UC Riverside have the benefit of living in the on-campus dorms, apartments and other living spaces near campus. There are many students, however, who commute to campus. Commuters face a greater challenge when attempting to get more involved in the school community. Besides traveling a farther distance to attend their classes, it takes more effort for...
The only time I’ve loved Valentine's Day was during elementary school. I remember rushing to the stores to buy Valentine’s Day candy and those little cards with Valentine’s Day puns. Valentine’s Day has never been the same since, but I have since found another way of celebrating Valentine's Day, even without a significant other.  The day after Valentine's Day is...
Feat_Resolutions2_Courtesy of Pexels
Identify Your Reasons Your New Year’s resolutions should be achievements you want. Ask yourself if you’re making this resolution for yourself or someone else because if it’s the latter, it’s unlikely you will follow through. Don’t create certain resolutions just because others are making them. Be sure that your resolutions support your interests and aspirations, not others. Be Specific When creating your...
courtesy of pexels
In America, the university has for decades been seen in popular culture as a space of liberation, particularly sexual, which is a picture not far from the truth; the grand majority of college students participate in sexual activities at some point throughout their academic career. The American Health Resources and Services Administration reported 94% of college students are sexually...
Instead of giving myself a typical New Year’s resolution where I promise to eat healthier or exercise more, I decided that I would do a fun challenge that has been on my bucket list for a long time. I want to be able to take at least one picture every day for an entire year. I’ve always managed to...
The new year often comes with a lot of fresh energy and the feeling that this year, we’ll be better. This time of year is rife with promises to not eat sugar anymore, to exercise five times a week with no compromises or finally learn to play an instrument. And yet by Jan. 17, dubbed “National Ditch Your Resolutions...
Irene Tu_The Highlander
It’s your first year on campus, away from friends, home and the familiar. Being in a new space with new people can be overwhelming, and though it can feel lonely at first, newness can be a good thing for everyone. Being away gives you the opportunity to explore endless opportunities where memories and lasting friendships can bloom. Here are...
Courtesy of Aronne Chane _ The Highlander
Spring is finally upon us! April brings sunshine, floral growth and the start of a new quarter. After two long ten-week stretches and a too-short spring break, it is understandable if not all students are thrilled about beginning this third set of classes. But given the fresh start that the season represents, this is the perfect time to make...
After a fall out with my mother a year ago, I have not relied on my parents’ financial support to make it through my college career. I sustained myself by working whenever I didn’t have class and doing homework when I didn’t have work. It was a system that worked well for me up until the beginning of this...