Friday, July 26, 2024
  This article was written as a compilation by Brian, John, Claire, Andrew and Allison, the multiple personalities of Adrian Garcia. When life hits us hard, it's difficult to concentrate on having a clear mindset. We have to be physically and mentally healthy to take on these challenges. If you’re worried about the latter part, no worries: You’re not the only...
On June 10, 2015, I was victorious. A university graduate. Successful. Erudite. Learned. On June 11, I was 21 years old, jobless and living with my parents. I had no selfies on my phone to document the previous day’s official transition into unemployment, nor did I make a single post on social media to commemorate it. I rolled over in...
Movies portray the world from an infinite amount of perspectives, locations, settings, time periods and lives. There is a fine line between reality and the fictional world created by Hollywood; nevertheless, movies can play an instrumental role in our perception of our own lives and experiences. “Toy Story 3” and the reality of moving on by Adrian Garcia, SSW It’s your last...
How many people have told you that reading in the dark will cause blindness, snacking is unhealthy and carbs make you gain fat? We are all fooled in one way or another by medical myths that contain false information about how our body reacts to its surroundings and itself. Here is a list of the most popular myths you might...
With the insanity of the body-swapping incident claiming the personas of millions, perhaps there is no swap more significant than that between the sovereign of Vatican City Pope Francis and President Donald Trump, effectively making the figurehead of Catholicism the leader of the United States (and vice-versa). While many of you are praising God at the miraculous luck bestowed...
Spring is officially upon us! That means the flowers will bloom, the grass will be greener and the bees will buzz around campus. But let’s face it: With the commencement of spring, it carries with it one of the most undesirable effects of the season: Spring allergies. I mean, you don’t hear about summer allergies or winter allergies as...
You see an enticing person on the internet and you’re at a loss for words. Finding a mate in real life hasn’t been going that well so you figure a virtual courting session would be successful. But two huge hurdles separate the two of you. One is the distance and the other involves not knowing who this person is...
As midterms come upon us, we definitely feel the stress of studying for exams, meeting deadlines for papers and carrying our own weight as college students. This high level of stress takes a toll on both our physical and mental states. But quite to the contrary, your well-being is not dependent on your stress level but rather your perspective on...
How many times have you opened up Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat in the past day? If you’re like any normal college student, you probably look at your various social media platform a couple times a day, or, who are we kidding, dozens of times a day. It’s not hard to figure out that social media has taken a...
Not everyone believes in the principles of Christmas and it is no one's place to impose their cultural or religious likeness on you. Those of different faiths have many alternatives to invest in. Come December when the holiday season commences, it may be difficult to escape the bombastic decorations for Christmas. People string colorful lights around their homes and...