As you’re rushing out the door in a frenzy with a banana drooping down your mouth, clutching a Starbucks in one hand and clasping your backpack in another, you come to the revelation that you forgot to do that essay prompt for English 1B — that A never seemed more distant. Failing to multitask and prioritize is an epidemic...
Whether it is your second quarter here at UCR or second to last, some students are just beginning to create new memories while others are leaving with the ones they made. UCR welcomes incoming freshmen to break the ice with the reality of living on their own, with home as an every-other-weekend option. Outgoing seniors prep to leave the...
Many students would fight for the cure to senioritis; the problem, however, is we just don’t care. The cure may be graduation and that little piece of paper you paid thousands for. But until then, we have to sit in lecture for the millionth time, waste that millionth piece of binder paper and buy that millionth book that will...
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Say your goodbyes to the mountains of holiday food and take a deep breath, because we’re in for another year and most importantly, a new quarter. What does this mean (aside from the sad return to workload)? For some, it could be a wake-up call for poor work ethic in the previous year, and for some...
Winter break is the light at the end of the finals week tunnel, but first we must soldier on, bubble in those Scantrons and write in those blue books. Over the years it’s been helpful to accumulate some techniques to prevent premature graying of hair during this trying time. When it comes to succeeding on final exams, preparation is...
Let's be honest, most of us have already calculated what grade we have to get on the next test to pass the class. Keep chins up and blood pressures low: This week’s Campus Cope covers what you will need, from best study habits to how to grade-grub, to get that grade.
Best study habits
If you like to listen to music...
On busy mornings, while you may be tempted to just grab a donut, or even worse — skip breakfast — consider preparing the night before or buying some grab-and-go items. Trust me, I know what it’s like to be running-out-the-door-almost-late every morning at 8 a.m. and it’s super-helpful to have something ready in the fridge for breakfast or as...