Friday, July 26, 2024
  What is your favorite memory from the 2015-2016 school year related to UCR? “That feeling of knowing when you have all your when you get … your graduation application approved.” -Brianna Esparza, Sociology, Fourth-year “Spring Splash would be the most interesting one because I wasn’t able to attend Block Party and seeing everyone just gather together and party together was...
With increased pollution, the looming threat of nuclear war and bath salts, a zombie apocalypse occurring is not a question of if, but of when. When the Bell Tower crumbles into a pile of dust and the 91 freeway is empty for the first time ever, you may find yourself in a state of panic. Fortunately, we at the...
There’s a reason why the student stores suddenly get busier during finals week, the trashcans in the libraries get even more stuffed and students bring rice cookers and ramen pots to the libraries — we simply don’t have the time to cook up a decent meal at home, let alone shop for groceries and think of healthy recipes to...
Choosing a career is never as cut-and-dry as it seems. No matter how much something catches your eye, it doesn't mean it's the most practical job choice. Practicality against genuine enjoyment is the main battle we deal with. Should you dabble in creative arts because you want to become the next J.K. Rowling? Or should you stick to the...
With the new quarter hitting us as hard as the rain, it can be difficult to get into the swing of things — especially if you have one of the dreaded 8 a.m. classes. After the long break, you may find it difficult to wake up on time, but hopefully these tips will be able to help. The average amount...
Making a good meal for cheap For many of us, cooking a large meal can be a daunting experience. I’ve also heard many people claim that they’re “bad at cooking,” and if you’re one of these people, or are merely inexperienced, cooking a Thanksgiving dinner can seem impossible. Fortunately, I have good new. Cooking is merely following instructions. For those of...
The road to productivity is an uphill battle indeed. Productivity has been a main source of peril for students since the concept of school and work were created. Many people have the idea that being productive requires a great amount of discipline and practice. While that's true, it's also something that can be incrementally established. Productivity, more than anything,...
During the first year of college it is easy to fall into a rut of spending 80 percent of your time outside of class in the comfortable niche of your dorm room. During an hour gap between classes, you can still manage to walk back to your room and take a nap or watch a show before heading back...
Whether you’ve been sleeping and Netflix-ing away to your heart’s content, enjoying delicious homemade meals, working or even keeping busy with other classes and obligations, the moment you’ve been dreading or anticipating is finally here: the start of a new school year. If you’re like the handful of us who haven’t been waking up earlier than say, maybe noon or...
The average college student is constantly on a budget. Because of that, it’s important to learn how to make meals that will save you money while lasting a considerable amount of time. Being conscious about what you eat will end up saving you extra money – and you might end up creating a new, impromptu meal that you’ll be...