Monday, May 20, 2024
Every human body is made up of hundreds of individual parts that work in unison to help it breathe, speak and move. The heart, for instance, pumps blood throughout the body. The brain is what directs the body to act. And the corresponding central nervous system sends signals to the body from the brain, helping make those actions possible. The...
How do you talk about cancer? How do you talk about the disease that caused 8.2 million deaths in 2012, that causes the second-highest number of deaths in the United States, that will cause 75 people to die in the five minutes it takes to read this article? How? You don’t dwell on death. You celebrate life. That is how the...
Did you know that every second, 28,258 Internet viewers are watching porn? And, not surprisingly, about 72 percent of those viewers are men. These statistics may bother many spouses or conservative individuals, but it’s not fair to say that watching porn is wrong — in fact, it’s pretty normal. However, it has become so normalized that it may be...
Many, if not all, of the guests who filled the University Theatre last Thursday have the aspirations to fulfill their dreams post-graduation. Students and others may not all share the same goals, but what if the chance of conquering said goals was soon dissipated, along with their chance to live? That each breath was just a reminder of how...
I’d like to start this review off by saying that I am not generally a fan of most Asian food. When I first moved to California, everyone raved about boba, but I was devastatingly disappointed when I tried it and I honestly still don’t understand the appeal. I’m that person who is never in the mood for Chinese take-out...
Kat Daddy Brewery has been making interesting and unique beers since they first opened their doors. The brewery is located in Moreno Valley off the 215 freeway and Elsworth Street, and Marcus “Kat Daddy” Cole has been brewing here since 2009. Kat Daddy Brewery is still a very small location but has a dedicated crew who truly love the...
Laverne Cox, a transgender woman famous for her role as Sophie Berset in the Netflix series “Orange is the New Black,” visited UCR last Wednesday on May 7 to discuss the trials she faced throughout her life and connected it with the issues that people in the transgender community continue to face today. Cox spoke in the university theater, where...
Strutting past the Bell Tower, the sun reflects off the red head-to-toe suit. The theme song “Go Go Power Rangers” intensifies with each step and true ‘90s kids rejoice as the original red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger look-a-like graces UCR with his presence. Even if he lacks the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, this ranger catches students' eyes. To many, he’s just...
Everyone knows that when you get your heart broken it really sucks. Most college-age individuals have experienced the excruciating feeling of losing a boyfriend or girlfriend, but those who haven’t yet often look at weeping, ice-cream-binging dumpees as cry babies or drama queens. The last breakup I went through, personally, was pretty dramatic; I spent most of my time...
“My protagonists are Chicano because I’m Chicano,” said Mario Acevedo bluntly, author of “Jailbait Zombie,” “There’s also vampires and evil werewolves too but somehow no one ever questions that part.” The audience laughed, instantly endeared to the author’s open honesty and irreverence. On April 30, the UC Riverside Science Fiction and Technoculture Studies Program featured a panel of prominent authors...