Thursday, May 16, 2024
Students have recently undergone scrutiny after a surprising amount of undergraduates have taken six years to graduate. Gov. Jerry Brown spoke out May 15 regarding University of California graduation rates, which the California governor clearly believes are subpar. Gov. Brown is right about change being needed within the UC system, seeing as classes become more difficult to obtain every...
Courtesy of Franklin Heijin via Flickr California restaurants are on the verge of experiencing a change in operations with the proposal of  California Assembly Bill 2149 (AB 2149), also known as the Fair Food Delivery Act. AB 2149 was proposed by California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez this month and would require food delivery...
The Republican party in Michigan drew districts so far to their favor that claims of gerrymandering could no longer be ignored. After a decade of these undemocratic districts, justice is being restored with the newly created district map to give Democrats a “fighting chance” in upcoming elections. These new maps were created through bipartisan collaboration and excluded biased lawmakers...
Book banning is one of the most sensitive and controversial subjects in the realm of education. From the protection of youth to disagreements on a moral level with the author or the work itself, every reason under the sun has been given to keep some books out of the hands of students. Most recently, the John Green novel “The...
Early one Saturday morning, I woke up and prepared for one of the most iconic activities available to a UCR student: a swim to the C. Every UCR student knows this swim is as mandatory as passing your finals in order to be a true Highlander. The people who say that the sea monsters that try to gouge out...
Wall Street Journalist, ​​Evan Gershkovich, was arrested in Russia on March 30 with charges of espionage. Gershkovich was on assignment through The Journal and denies the implications that simply claim he was, “caught red-handed.” Gershkovich previously lived in Russia and has reported on the country for several years without incident, and is accredited with the Russian Foreign Ministry, making...
“Homeland security” — two simple words that have justified the dramatic increase in funding to police forces. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Congress approved large sums, still flowing today, to make police forces more capable of handling increased levels of force they may face. With this increase in funding, according to Glenn Greenwald of “The Intercept,” police...
In 2018, “the number of homeless people in Riverside County decreased by 4 percent” compared to the year before. Clearly, this is a good sign: reducing homelessness is imperative to providing these individuals with the support and resources they need to reenter the economy and live a productive life. For these reasons and more, it is important to continue...
If our history has taught us anything it is that government and religion cannot become one in a free country.  Our founding fathers did not, by chance, craft a constitution that protects the rights of people to practice their faith of choice.  The first amendment to the Constitution was inspired by religious persecution and war in our history.  Religious...
President Evo Morales and many members of his party have fled their home country of Bolivia after being forced to step down due to military pressure and public protest over an allegedly rigged election. Morales, Bolivia’s first ever indigenous president, said it was his duty to step down for the time being to restore peace in Bolivia. Many media...