Thursday, May 16, 2024
“The Good Dinosaur” was “good.” While it reached a new high point for brilliant animation and mastered genuine humor independent from obnoxious jokes and over-the-top amusement, I couldn’t help but feel slightly cheated with this movie. Director Peter Sohn seemed to have been inspired to paint this prepossessing canvas for an ensemble of likeable characters and exotic Prehistoric and...
Fact: Seeing King Kong duke it out with other cryptids is fun. Like, really fun (and that’s coming from a pretentious film snob whose favorite films are arthouse dramas my mom falls asleep to). But as fun as the action sequences in “Kong: Skull Island” may be, the film is ultimately another unnecessary, uninspired big-budget franchise film that substitutes...
If there has been a movie so far this year that has proven that comedy and depth can successfully co-exist, it would be “Barbershop: The Next Cut.” I know that that sounds strange, since a majority of the movie happens within a hair salon and because the urban-Chicago setting of the movie suggests the inclusion of excessive gang violence...
This article contains light spoilers. I love me a shitty movie. The classics, of course, like “The Room,” “Troll 2” and a whole slew of flicks on “Mystery Science Theater 3000,” they’re all opportunities to see just how poorly a team of people can execute the art of moviemaking, adding some perspective on what makes good movies good. Compare Ridley...
The film’s ambitious mix of dark satirical comedy and social commentary culminates in a wondrous piece of art spearheaded by great performances. Swedish director Ruben Östlund’s first foray into English language film, “Triangle of Sadness,” widely released on Oct. 7, 2022, took the Cannes Film Festival by storm, earning an eight-minute standing ovation and winning the illustrious Palme d’Or. A...
In 2011, Ken Scott directed a French-Canadian film called “Starbuck,” a heartwarming story about a slacker 40-something who finds out that he has fathered 500 children due to his sperm donations at a fertility clinic. Despite being a Canadian hit, the only attention the film received was from viewers randomly searching through the foreign movie category on Netflix. Scott and...
In 1977, George Lucas revolutionized pop culture with the release of “Star Wars,” a sci-fi epic unlike anything before it. It had charismatic characters and a simple enough plot that left plenty of room for both interpretation and expansion. Within 40 years, “Star Wars” has evolved into a multimedia franchise spanning countless films, novels, video games and miscellaneous products...
In her directorial debut, “Unicorn Store,” Brie Larson puts her acting chops to the test playing Kit, the eclectic protagonist. After “Room,” “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” and most recently, “Captain Marvel,” Brie Larson has displayed an excellent and broad performance range. She can play the traumatized young mother, the funny and sexy ex-girlfriend and the superhero — so...
If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and destroy the script for “Inception” — not because I dislike the film, as I think Christopher Nolan is one of the best directors of modern cinema, and “Inception” was great. However, the film started the terrible trend of filmmakers using the “bwah” sound effect in almost...
If you are an Internet-savvy youngster, then you’ve probably come across what is known as a “screamer.” Your friends showed you a video or had you play a flash game that was seemingly innocent until a scary image suddenly pops onto the screen accompanied by a loud scream that nearly scared the crap out of you. You got scared...