Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A tour of independent coffee shops in Riverside for the caffeine deficient

If you’re trying to branch out from Starbucks but still need to fuel late-night study sessions, Riverside has a surprisingly large selection of independent coffee shops. Whether your taste is a bit more on...

Meals that will surely impress for $10 or less!

My biggest challenge as a college student has been trying to plan and cook meals for myself during the week. I was always overwhelmed with figuring how much I needed to buy at the...

Need some work experience? Summer internships are the way to go!

Summer is just around the corner, and many of us are wondering what to do during our three-month long break. However, earning an internship can help decrease your boredom and increase your experience in...

Campus Cope: A word of advice from someone who used to be 21

Here's 21 things I wish someone would've told me before I turned 21: Nothing last forever Loneliness is a companion   Some thoughts are better left unsaid Don’t be afraid to change   Those bad...

Peanut butter bars perfect for midterms

With fall season here and midterms underway, a quick and easy sweet treat can make all the difference. This simple recipe only requires four ingredients and no baking is perfect to take on the...

Why are you single?

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Strength The Strength card is a symbol of action or courage. A lack of courage is likely standing between you and a relationship. Perhaps on your part or on...
Courtesy of Pexels

I deleted TikTok… and I kind of liked it

Since the app TikTok grew to fame in 2020, I’m sure we have all heard of the different movements formed by politicians or social activists in attempts to remove it from American media. And...
Features_Horoscope_Courtesy of scaled.jpeg

Fun in the Sun? Maybe not…

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Queen of Pentacles You should expect to experience financial burden and a lot of pressure to support someone else. This isn’t a time to throw caution to the wind...
Courtesy of Freepik

The easy way to build your own your salad

Eating salads doesn’t just have to be healthy for you, it can also be delicious if you customize them with your favorite foods. It’s also an easy way to use up any leftover produce...
courtesy of freepiks

The aesthetic routine ain’t it

Imagine this: 13-year-old you watching YouTube videos about aesthetic vloggers living out their strict 5:00 a.m. morning routines. There was a desire to be like them and eventually become them when you hit the...