Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Navigating the pandemic as an essential worker, one to-go order at a time

I never would have thought that I would be one of the brave people out serving the community during the coronavirus pandemic. Whether it be working at a grocery store or a small ice...

Entrance exams for institutions were nothing but barriers for low-income students and students of...

“What did you get on the SAT? The ACT? Come on, just tell me.” A question so simple left me utterly helpless, doubting my intelligence and my self-worth. I felt immense shame and guilt...

America’s First Amendment is what sets it apart from the rest of the western...

Neal Boortz, former attorney and popular radio host famously said, “Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.” In the rest of the western world, speech is...

California places of worship must not be allowed to reopen yet, but that shouldn’t...

Whether Californians like it or not, Gov. Gavin Newsom seems committed to slowly reopening the state. As part of this multi-staged reopening, services that are technically considered non-essential, including places of worship, may see...

Time is a luxury only the rich can afford, and it is about time...

“Time is of the essence,” is a statement that was constantly reiterated in my mind growing up. At the time, it was difficult to realize the immediate pressure it held as it was only...

Schools and universities’ move to online learning has negatively impacted our nation’s education as...

  Necessary measures to social distance and self-isolate have forced many students to return home for remote learning; however, the drastic changes to their learning experience have brought about its own set of challenges and...

Tariffs are an integral part of the American economy

Taxes on imported goods are a fundamentally essential part of protecting America. Before the income tax, federal revenues derived almost entirely from tariffs. Tariffs protect American factory jobs from being outsourced abroad to countries...

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Project Roomkey has been lethargic so far, but increased funding may...

The COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly frightening to many. Not only is it highly contagious, it is also far more deadly than many other illnesses, such as the common cold or even influenza. Millions of...

The COVID-19 pandemic exposes lawmakers’ coldness toward hungry families

It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the nation’s economy and threatening to plunge tens of millions of Americans into debt and abject poverty. While the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic...

Approving Riverside County supervisors’ request to rescind coronavirus health orders sends misleading message that...

Following California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to begin transferring more decision-making power over the reopening process to local public officials, it is no surprise that Riverside County officials are already debating what steps to...