Why Brazil shouldn’t battle criminals with a broken justice system

As one of his campaign promises, Brazil’s president-elect Jair Bolsonaro said he would push for a stricter crackdown on criminal activity by retaliating with higher levels of police brutality. Brazil has steadily declined in...

America is sliding backwards on vaccinations

The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases estimates that during the 2017-18 flu season, as many as 80,000 deaths across the United States could be attributed to influenza. With the flu season beginning this October,...

Wilcox’s handling of Sandoval situation is a failure of leadership

Chancellor Kim Wilcox released a statement on the resignation of James Sandoval, UCR’s Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs of 20 years on Monday, Oct. 22nd, providing the UCR community its first real insight into...

What our president needs to learn about his rhetoric

On Oct. 24, the nation believed for about half a day that President Donald Trump was finally going to understand the repercussions of his seemingly nonstop attacks on his critics. Shortly after law enforcement...

2018 Midterm Elections: What We Think – California Ballot Propositions

Propositions 1, 2, & 10: The band aid props that are certainly better than nothing California is in a housing crisis. While the state is home to some of the country’s richest as well as...

The midterm elections will surely change America – and young people must take part

  Nov. 6, 2018 is the date of the first midterm elections since 2014, where California voters will have a say in local, statewide and national issues ranging from our city councilmembers to the prices...

Democracy is NOT a spectator sport

Voting is one of the things that make a democracy, fair and free elections evoke visions of what America stands for. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness aren't just words; they are what...

In the name of diversity – except Asian-Americans

  In an effort to further combat college applicant processing based on race, the Trump administration is investigating Yale University, which has received accusations of discrimination against Asian-American applicants. Around a month ago, the Justice...

Why a lack of mental health awareness in college can lead to crushed dreams

  By: Michael Rios Editor's note: Michael Rios is a UCR alumnus and former Highlander editor. Sometime during my third year at UCR, I gave up on a lifelong dream of becoming a physicist. I remember...

Imperfect flu shot, perfect reasons to still get it

  The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) recently published some startling statistics: more than 80,000 people in America died of the flu in the winter of 2017-2018, the highest number seen in over a...