Tag: finals
R’Perspective: the trials and tribulations of finals week
Finals week is like a seven-day marathon filled with mental and physical challenges. It’s the ultimate test of how much caffeine your body can...
Surviving finals: Eight ways to de-stress before exams
With finals week coming up, it is important to remember how to study in a smart and productive way, but it is even more...
Campus Cope: Preparing for finals week
With finals approaching, the stress and anxiety that comes with it isn’t far behind. The anxiety of feeling overwhelmed and the need to end...
Out with the old, in with the new
Now that the seasons are rapidly changing, it’s time to try something new. What's better than a new Starbucks drink to obsess over? Social...
Campus Cope: preparing for midterms
As midterm season rolls around again, many of us are frantically preparing for our last few tests of the year. However, with the school...
Study tips that make life a little easier
With finals coming up, having a game plan when it comes to the tiring task of studying can be overwhelming itself. Everyone has their...
Mental Health Faire: a fest of feeling fine through management of...
As May 2019 drew to a close, so too did the 70th annual observance of Mental Health Awareness in America conclude, aimed at “spreading...
Campus Cope: Sink or Swim: A look into Finals week
Best case scenario:
Finals week has always been a time of duality for me: One half feels totally worn out from all of the arduous...
UCR students enjoy a cool, peaceful retreat at Scotty’s Beach Club
On a sweltering Thursday, June 1 afternoon, ASPB hosted the Scotty's Beach Club event at the SRC pool as an end-of-the-year extravaganza for students...