Tag: girlfriend
Friendship or romantic relationship, which is more important?
College is all about making memories, especially with the people who make up those lasting memories. Now, when thinking of relationships, the normal response...
To date or not to date: Entering a new university with...
In addition to the many other challenges incoming students face, some must also face a difficult decision — whether or not they will be...
Actress Alisha Boe discusses sexual assault and mental illness beyond “13...
On Thursday, May 8 in HUB 302, 20-year-old American actress Alisha Boe spoke to around 400 UCR students about the prevalence of sexual assault...
Fun and affordable gifts for your significant other
With the holidays getting closer each day, the struggle to find a special gift for your significant other (SO) can be difficult — one...
When you can’t hide from your ex
Everybody knows breaking up isn’t an easy thing to do. It puts you on an emotional rollercoaster you simply can’t escape. Like most difficult...
UCR In Love: Nestor Vega
We all have crushes, fantasies, romances and daydreams. You can say that you don’t but, deep down, we at Features are pretty sure that...
How to keep the summer heat burning in a long-distance relationship
Long-distance relationships be a tedious, but like anything else, is just a bump on the road of companionship. (Courtesy of University of Oregon)
After the summer...
S.A.V.E. me from the friendzone
As a guy in college, I’ve had plenty of time to interact with girls and seek relationships. However, nothing stings more than when a...
Under the Kilt: People change but friendships don’t
When people talk to me about losing their best friend, it’s almost always for the same reason: Their best friend got a boyfriend.
I hear...