Saturday, May 4, 2024

ASUCR Elections Committee conducts a remote elections week

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the campus closure, this year's ASUCR elections moved to a completely remote election week. Students received a personalized ballot link in their R’Mail. Polling hours were open from...

ASUCR passes UCLA Bribery Scandal Resolution and UCR Glen Mor WiFi Reimbursement Resolution

The third ASUCR meeting of the spring quarter took place on April 17 and was called to order at 6:40 p.m. The meeting then moved onto committee reports. CHASS Senator Julian Gonzalez discussed the...

GSOE senator publicly resigns at ASUCR meeting; Parliamentarian announces he was put on a...

On Wednesday, Feb. 19, ASUCR held their seventh meeting of the quarter. At the previous week’s meeting on Feb.12, the senate did not meet quorum so all legislation, meeting minutes and allocations...

ASUCR’s Student Voice Committee completes their second case study

ASUCR’s Student Voice Committee conducted their second case study following the success of their first one conducted in March. The committee's overall goal is to amplify student voices at UCR and to ensure that...

ASUCR’s CNAS senators present inaugural STEM Research Expo

On Friday, April 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in HUB 302, ASUCR’s CNAS senators hosted the  Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Research Expo. CNAS Senators TK Nguyen, Carisha Moore, Johnathan Li...

ASUCR discusses replacing election debates with an open house, ASUCR passes six pieces of...

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, ASUCR held their second State of the Association Meeting of the quarter. ASUCR executive cabinet members discussed what projects they have been working on or completed so far this quarter. During...

ASUCR: More backlash following proposed UC tuition plan

The issue of rising tuition within the UC system was the main focus of last Wednesday’s senate meeting. Both President Nafi Karim and Vice President of External Affairs Abraham Galvan were vocal opponents of...

Student Voice Committee reports findings; ASUCR calls on administration to house wildfire survivors

Wednesday, Jan. 9 marked ASUCR’s first meeting of the Winter 2019. The meeting began with CHASS Senator Julian Gonzalez, proposing to remove Senate Resolution F18-005 from the agenda. The resolution, titled “100 classes in...

ASUCR: Justices declare interim appointment unconstitutional

The ASUCR senate convened last Wednesday in the senate chambers to pass a resolution for nutritional labeling of HUB foods as well as a resolution to allow open-source textbooks. Also during the meeting, a...

ASUCR passes wellness resolution, discusses visiting demonstrator and ICE deportations

ASUCR convened on Wednesday, Jan. 13 to address the passage of ASUCR Wellness Resolution No. 3, the conflict that took place between a student and a visiting demonstrator on Monday Jan. 11 and the...